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the high tech vets that became herbal and commit to share their self-healing practices with others

Our Mission
Who We Are
Scientifically Backed Facts
Why Self-Healing

Our Mission
To provide community members with scientifically backed herbal self healing health related practices, products and related information along with members’ testimonials. Offered products will be only of top quality at substantially lower prices than any other similar product on the market.


Who We Are
We are a group of Israeli entrepreneurs, vets of the high-tech sector who discovered the benefits of self-healing herbal based practices, practices that helped us restore our confidence in our ability to control our well-being.

Unbiased Information And Practices

Unbiased and trustworthy information is at the foundation of this website. No advertisements, member reviews will be meticulously scrutinised to prevent product promotions of any sort!

Most important is the fact that we are not promoting any product to avoid any incentive for biassed information. Our product offerings are very limited and we offer them because we found supply chains that make them top quality at unmatched prices!

No product will be offered on this website unless it is organic (if grown or harvested), with substantiated heritage of results, and certificates of product integrity (in special cases - presence of heavy metals tests).

Nor will we share community subscribers' emails or any other contact information with any third party. If and when we will offer a product, it will be to create an offering of quality and price as a challenge for other vendors to meet and surpass. 

Scientifically Backed Facts

We commit to avoid recommending recipes, practices, and applications that are not backed by scientific studies. Some of the recipes, in particular hair growth recipes, are presented after we validated that they are popular and represent a heritage of centuries-old tradition because we attribute high credibility to health practices that were evolved through centuries of practice and come from reliable sources, like the Father Romano Zago recommended practices.

Why We Do It
Knowledge Sharing

Why Self-Healing?

Self-healing is first and foremost - taking responsibility to your health, translated to preventive practices like your daily diet and physical exercises, two basic elements that without them, all other practices will be less effective, and their impact would not last for long!

Most of today's prescriptions and medical practices are effective and provide remedies for the problem that they are prescribed to resolve. The problem - PRESCRIPTIONS DO NOT COPE WITH THE PROBLEM CAUSES and their side effects could some times lead to other complexities. Just as an example, Type 2 diabetes medications and insulin therapy - Metformine (Glucophage, Glumetza, others) are "doing the job" but the pancreas insulin secretion will most likely become dysfunctional. Same with the thyroid triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormone secretion that becomes essentially ineffectual over time of taking the replacing medications. 

Eyeglasses are another good example, as corrective eyesight practices such as glasses, contact lenses, LASIK or other laser interventions further weaken eyesight over a prolonged period of time.

Self-healing practices can help alleviate problems, without long term detrimental side effects! ​​

As high-tech vets, we continuously and relentlessly search "out of the box solutions" to discover what others have been developing below our own "radar".


There was a point in time that we asked ourselves - What has been our contribution to the community. Follow-up questions were: What community? What is a contribution to the community? 

Without diving deep into a philosophical discussion, this website is the answer we found for these two questions.

We strongly believe that it is up to us to prove to the community members, that what we promise, is what we deliver. 

We strongly believe in prevention practices, rather than fixing various health conditions.



Knowledge sharing is key to this process of taking responsibility for our health and applying the preventive or healing practices that are the basis of what self-healing and herbal health have to offer.


We take responsibility - We will do our best, that this website will be an unbiased stage for users to share their experience, with what worked and what did not work for them, using the REVIEWS inserts that are attached to the prescribed practices.


“What works for me”! is a corner stone of this site. 
Dealing with a health problem, finding “a solution that works for you” is a "never ending" challenge, because what works (or does not work) for one, may not work for another. Crowd wisdom is so important because it gives you access to the experience of others.
We will do our utmost to provide detailed "PRACTICES"! But we need your help! help us and point to deficiencies, and we will get back to you with the missing elements and our thanks for your cooperation.


This website is for those who decided to take control of their health and wellbeing. For decades, populations of “modern/western societies'' were educated/led to accept/adopt practices/treatment protocols provided by the medical establishment! FOR A RAPIDLY GROWING GLOBAL COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE, THESE DAYS ARE OVER!

  1. People in many countries become aware, that the medical establishment in their country as in many other parts of the world, has been manipulated by some very powerful medical entities represented by the WHO (World Health Organization), to prescribe health protocols that serve the interests of the dominating pharmaceutical corporations, as well as other interests, and not the interest of the individuals that they were suppose to serve! 

  2. Consequently, when one asks for a doctor’s advice, or seeks help in the hospital, the prescribed medicine/treatment would not be what’s best for him, but what’s best in terms of these dominating powerful entities.

  3. Those who become “AWARE” to this institutional misconduct, are now in search for UNBIASED, “PROVEN” protocols/practices that would be the best fit for the problems that they have to cope with.

  4. This is the community we are targeting with the HALYVERA website.

  5. The site’s main topics are “HEALTH ISSUE” and “PREVENTION”. 

    • HEALTH ISSUES contains suggested practices to deal with various most common health issues,

    • PREVENTION contains practices to help avoidance of the various health issues.

  6. All the practices prescribed for both - ISSUES and PREVENTION are provided with detailed scientific backing to their validity, effectiveness and safety.

  7. To avoid any conflict of interests, the products that are offered on our website are there for one reason, to provide the best quality product for the prescribed practice at the lowest cost possible. Other vendors are encouraged to provide alternatives that will be posted as soon as they are validated for the quality and the price of their offerings.

  8. Off course, HALYVERA is not the first website that seeks to attract and serve this community, but it contains some features that are unique in terms of improved accessibility/navigation of site visitors who are in search for some specific information:

    1. PAGE CONTENT box with links to specific topics presented on each page,

    2. REVIEWS inserts for each of the suggested practices, providing site visitors with the feedback of those who have already tried that practice,

    3. RELATED PAGES links, to provide short-cuts to pages containing additional information related to the information posted in the page.

  9. WHY WE DO IT? Our biggest compensation would be if we succeed to accelerate the spreading of this “AWARENESS”. We ourselves became aware of our own misconception - the perception that the medical establishment seeks to help us and not serve its own interests, by people that decided to give up their careers and devote their skills and energies for this eye opening. If successful, this website would be our minor return to what these people have contributed to us!

The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with qualified health care professionals and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
Members are encouraged to make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals.
Individuals with any sort of medical condition, and in particular pregnant, nursing women, and others who take medications, are encouraged to consult their health care professional before using any product that is mentioned on this website.

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10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. # 33645
Houston, TX 77043 USA

1 (213) 459-5415

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