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Acupuncture for Dementia – How does the Treatment Help?
Acupuncture provides a large range of effects, which include the systematic reduction of inflammation and promotion of circulation, among other things. Though it is still not clear exactly how acupuncture initiates the healing process, most patients hardly care as they are just happy over the fact that the treatment is working.
Several types of research conducted in the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine have shown that through great many tests such as the Morris water maze for detecting the neuroprotective effects and detecting levels of DNA oxidation for the oxidative stress aspects, researchers wanted to find out whether acupuncture could mimic a similar effect of TXNIP inhibition. Now, what is TXNIP?
TXNIP, more elaborately known as Thioredoxin-interacting protein, is in plain terms a kind of switch which sets the ball rolling for the destructive processes present in vascular dementia along with conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, for example. So in layman’s terms, if we are able to inhibit the release of TXNIP, it will also inhibit the types of damage that lead to a range of issues.
The study revealed several important points about acupuncture and how it was able to reverse a number of negative inflammatory and destructive markers which include TXNIP.
Acupuncture is more effective in dealing with and treating dementia than conventional drug therapy, this has been backed by researchers at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology. It was published in the Journal of the Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. Their research has clearly demonstrated that acupuncture can be both a safe and effective treatment for vascular dementia.
Acupuncture has achieved an impressive 90% total efficacy rate, especially when you use the Xing Nao Kai Qiao acupuncture protocol, closely followed by conventional acupuncture which managed to notch up an 80% total efficacy rate, further followed by drug therapy which fetched up a 60% total efficacy rate.
It is recommended that you contact a practitioner for this therapy procedure.
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