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Aluminum Health Hazards
Cooking without aluminum foil
Aluminum Detoxification

Aluminum is the twelfth most common element in the Universe”, found almost everywhere in low background concentrations that do not pose a health hazard. There are also sources of pollutants of human origin from mining sites and the materials industry.
The aluminum ion is a very reactive ion, therefore it cannot be found in nature in a pure form but bound to other substances. Generally speaking, all the foods we eat have aluminum from a natural source that comes from the soil. These are average concentrations of less than 5 mg per kg of food in unprocessed foods, and concentrations of 5-10 mg per kg of food in processed foods. But due to the reactive properties of aluminum, we are also exposed to it from other sources.

The aluminum foil is a thin sheet made entirely of pure aluminum metal. So thin that it can reach a thickness of 0.2 mm and even a thickness of 6 microns.
There is almost no home that does not have this roll of aluminum foil, not even suspecting that this is another one of these products that poisons our food.
Wrapping our foods with that foil leads to disturbing results: aluminum ions migrate very easily from the aluminum foil to the food that comes into contact with it! It takes just a little bit of moisture and a chemical reaction is formed that releases aluminum ions which rapidly (depending on acidity, alkalinity, temperature, etc.) react with the organic molecules around them. 
This 2012 study tested the degree of migration of aluminum from aluminum foil to minced meat that was used to prepare six different food solutions using tomato juice, citric acid, apple vinegar, salt, and spices.
The researchers conclude: “Aluminum foil used in cooking provides an easy channel for the metal to enter the human body. The increase in cooking temperature causes more leaching. The leaching is also highly dependent on the pH value of the food solution, salt, and spices added to the food solutions. Aluminum foil is not suitable for cooking, especially with acidic food. It is also possible that excessive consumption of food baked with aluminum foil may carry a serious health risk”.

Aluminum Health Hazards
Aluminum contamination of food represents an important issue to find relationships between aluminum intake and certain serious illness such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dialysis encephalopathy, bone disorder, human breast cancer, and it is also considered to be a neurotoxin; aluminum salts can be accumulated by the gut and different human tissues (bones, parathyroid, and brain). Aluminum is diversely affecting the growth rate of human brain cells. (Read More [1], [2], [3]...).

Aluminum Detoxification
It was found that Citric Acid is the best chelating agent on the toxicity, distribution and excretion of aluminium. Additionally, to boost this process, it is recommended to boost your meals with polyphenols. Use spices, Cocoa Powder, nuts, Flaxseeds, berries (that are also low in calories and high in vitamin C, and  fiber), Vegetables, Olives, Coffee and Tea (Read more).
This polyphenol boosting is important as
 It was found that polyphenol molecules encourage the attachment of metal ions and facilitate their removal by the kidneys. 
Cooking without aluminum foil
When baking in the oven - use a Pyrex with a lid, or a pot with a lid, the dish will turn out even more successful.
For roasted vegetables in the oven, steam them for a few minutes in order to soften them before baking.

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