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Microwave Oven

Self experimenting the MICROWAVE OVEN dangers: 

  1. Fill two small cups of water,

  2. Put one of the cups in the microwave oven and boil the water.

  3. Pour the other cup into a kettle

  4. Boil the water, and pour the water back to the cup.

  5. Take two small leafs of parsley and put one in each of the cups.

  6. Watch for yourself how long each of the leafs preserved its refresh look in each of the cups.

  7. When we did it, the leaf in the cup with water from the microwave oven lost its fresh "look" real fast!

Microwave Oven With Skull.png
Microwave Oven Dangers

Microwave Oven Dangers

Excerpts from the book "Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation" By:  Andreas Moritz, Posted: November 20, 2011 — updated 2017

"Did you ever wonder what microwaves can do to water, food and your body? Russian researchers have found decreased nutritional value, cancer-making compounds and brain-damaging radiolytics in virtually all microwave-prepared foods. Eating microwave-prepared meals can also cause loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability and a decline in intelligence, according to the research. The Russian scientists also found decreased nutritional value – or significant dimming of their ‘vital energy field’ – in up to 90 percent of all microwave-prepared foods". 

This website publishes another article from Andreas Moritz that says: "Microwave Cooked Food Is Nutritionally Deficient ‘Nuclear Waste'. Read this review for more information ,

In addition, the B complex, C and E vitamins linked with stress-reduction and the prevention of cancer and heart disease, as well as the essential trace minerals needed for optimum brain and body functioning, were all rendered useless by microwaves, even at short cooking durations. Microwave-cooked food is basically reduced to the nutritional equivalent of cardboard. If you don’t want to develop nutrient deficiencies, you may be better off throwing this appliance out of your kitchen. The radiation has been found to accumulate in the kitchen furniture, becoming a constant source of radiation in itself.


Microwave usage in the preparation of food has been found to lead to lymphatic disorders and an inability to protect the body against certain cancers. The research found increased rates of cancer cell formation in the blood of people eating microwave-cooked meals. The Russians also reported increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers, as well as digestive and excretive disorders, plus a higher percentage of cell tumors, including sarcoma.


The Microwave Heating Action

Microwaves rip apart the molecular bonds that make food to be ‘food’. Microwave ovens hurl high-frequency microwaves that boil the moisture within food and its packaging by whipsawing water molecules dizzyingly back-and-forth at more than a billion reversals per second. This frantic friction fractures food molecules, rearranging their chemical composition into weird, new configurations unrecognizable as food by human bodies. By destroying the molecular structures of food, the body cannot help but turn the food into waste; but not harmless waste, rather ‘nuclear waste’.


Microwave Side effects

Microwave ovens produce strong microwave radiation. In case that the oven is not highly "encapsulated" to eliminate radiation emission, other than just making food useless and ‘wasteful’, there is a broad spectrum of microwave side effects, as listed in this extensive scientific studies review. To name a few:

  • Adverse neurological effects in the offspring

  • Damage to Mechanisms underlying learning and memory

  • Oxidative stress and apoptosis

  • and the list goes on....


The Russian government had banned microwave ovens for over 50 years, but they were recently introduced to the Russian market (for ‘economic’ reasons). Microwave ovens have taken over the cooking chores in 9 out of 10 American homes, and American and Chinese microwave manufacturers hope that the same will happen in Russia.


Reporting for the Forensic Research Document of AREC Research (Agricultural Research and Education Centre), William P. Kopp states: “The effects of microwaved food byproducts are long-term, permanent within the human body. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.”

The Microwave Heating Action
Microwave Side effects

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It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
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