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First Step In Detoxification - Avoidance
Detoxification is a process that has to start with AVOIDANCE! This is the first and foremost effective strategy for detoxification.

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First Step In Detoxification - Avoidance

Avoidance” means avoiding continued exposure to toxic chemicals and heavy metals in your food, water, medicine, personal care products, homecleaning products, lawn-care products, pet-care products, and even the air you breathe. Everything you touch, inhale, or consume becomes a part of your physical body. So removing toxic chemicals and poisons from your system must begin with eliminating new exposures to those very poisons.
Here are the steps that make up the AVOIDANCE strategy:

Identify the sources of your exposure to toxic substances. Note that those corporations that are poisoning you with their toxic medications, toxic food additives, toxic herbicides, and toxic home-care products are precisely the same corporations who insist all of their products are safe and even “green”! learn to how read and understand food labels, educate yourself about hidden toxic chemicals in personal care products, learn about the toxic additives hidden in vaccines and medications, and awaken to the dishonest marketing strategies invoked by corporations to deceive consumers about the supposed safety of their products.
Aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Artificial Colors, Chemical Preservatives, Emulsifiers and Thickening Agents are now part of a widespread contamination of the food we eat.What’s worse, while everyone is focused on fat, calories, carbohydrates, and, in some cases, food preservatives, few are really paying attention to chemicals that may be unlabeled in their groceries or even in the packaging that their food comes in.Problem is that most of these complex lab creations aren’t recognized by the body so they cannot be properly processed. As a result, they often become hazardous to our health.The health risks behind each of the above "INGREDIENTS" are numerous but the bottomline is quite simple TRY TO AVOID PROCESSED FOODS!​
Reforming your behavior and consumption choices to break the cycle of repeated exposure to those toxins. You have to reforms your own behavior and consumption patterns - avoid purchasing or consuming these products.To begin, this step will require you to go through your entire home medicine cabinets, pantry, refrigerator, garage, laundry room, and so on and throw out the products containing toxic chemicals. Yes, this includes your toxic laundry detergent and dryer sheets, your toxic cough medicine, your toxic weed killers and bug sprays, and even your toxic air fresheners (which actually pollute your air rather than clean it).

Tips for Reforming in the Family - (for woman) this step can sometimes stress marriages, so here’s a tip: If you’re a woman reading this, and you want to get your husband on board with the household detox program, just remind him that these toxic chemicals reduce sperm count, diminish male virility, and interfere with male hormones (which is true). Tell him that endocrine disruptors really do promote the “feminization” of males, and pesticides like atrazine really do cause amphibians to develop dual sets of sex organs (both male and female). This knowledge might open your husband’s eyes to a legitimate reason to reduce your household chemical exposure.
Tips for Reforming in the Family - (for man)If you’re a man who wants to convince your wife to get on board with the program, explain to her that corporations have been violating our bodies with toxic chemicals that aggressively promote cancers, including breast cancer and ovarian cancer (this is also true). Suggest that one of the best ways to reduce cancer risk is to get the toxic chemicals out of your lives. More information to identify risky products can be found in the Environmental Working Group, a consumer advocacy organization that specializes in identifying toxic chemicals, launched an online database called Skin Deep that provides safety profiles for cosmetics and personal care products, as well as offers tips on how to find the best products.

Support your body’s natural detoxification and elimination abilities. Drink plenty of water to help your body eliminate water-soluble toxins. Physical movement is also key, both for circulating lymph, which allows your body to expel metabolic garbage  more proficiently, and producing sweat, which eliminates toxins through your skin. However, when you sweat, many of these toxins then get absorbed by your clothing. This is why changing your clothes after a sweaty workout is very important.
Add medicinal herbs - It’s also smart to support the healthy function of your detox organs (liver, kidneys, and digestive system) with medicinal herbs, such as yarrow, dandelion, and yellow dock are well known to support liver function.
Use superfoods - superfoods like chlorella help support the body’s natural elimination of toxic elements through its ability to remove chemicals and heavy metals. Even everyday foods like beets and white carrots are “liver cleansers” that give the liver added support to carry out its job. 
Boost your intake of nutritive elements - supporting your body’s detox of toxic elements also requires boosting your body’s intake of nutritive elements. Nearly all people living in Western society today are chronically deficient in vitamin D, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and many other nutrients. Nutritional supplements that help restore the balance of those vitamins and minerals in the body are remarkably safe, effective, and affordable. But the best method for acquiring minerals is to grow them into your own food, and then eat that food.

Broccoli - Top Food To Detoxify
Broccoli sprouts are the most concentrated source in nature of glucoraphanin, a substance from the glycosinolate family, which turns in our body into another substance called sulforaphane.
Sulforaphane is a substance that increases the concentration of the antioxidant glutathione in the blood and in the body's cells.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and a central most powerful toxin neutralizer by excretion through the urine.

Eating broccoli sprouts increases the level of glutathione, which increases neutralization and excretion of toxins from the body.
So much for the theory.

The question is does it work and will eating broccoli sprouts really increase the excretion of toxins in the urine?

In 2012, researchers from China tested on 50 people, whether the consumption of broccoli sprouts would increase the urinary excretion of pollutants in the air. The study was published in the respected medical journal Carcinogenesis.
They found that the excretion of several types of toxins, Among them benzene, increased in some people by 20-50% compared to the control group that did not receive broccoli sprouts.
Two years later, in 2014, a larger randomized controlled study of 291 people was published, which found that consumption of broccoli sprouts increased urinary benzene excretion by 61% compared to those who did not consume broccoli sprouts.

Five years later, in 2019, a randomized controlled study with a control group that received a placebo was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
It was found that in the group that consumed the most amount of broccoli sprouts there was an increase in the amount of benzene excreted in the urine by 63%.
The group that consumed only half the amount consumed by this group, no longer showed a significant increase in urinary benzene excretion.
That is, quantity has meaning. Broccoli sprouts must be consumed in large quantities to create a significant effect of increasing the body's ability to neutralize toxins.

very important tip regarding the way to eat broccoli sprouts:
sulforaphane is formed from glucoraphanin only when there is a break in the cell walls and partitions of the broccoli sprouts and there is a connection between glucoraphanin and the enzyme myrosinase that is on the other side of the partition.
This means that a good chew is necessary in order to get the full sulforaphane.

Chewing - A Must For Broccoli Sprouts Digestion  
In a 2011 study, the researchers examined the effect of eating broccoli sprouts on the excretion of toxins in the urine.
They found that a lot of chewing increased the excretion of toxins in the urine by about 50%!
The excessive chewing resulted in an increased production of sulforaphane which in turn increased the body's ability to neutralize and eliminate toxins.
So it is not enough to eat broccoli sprouts, but they must be eaten correctly. Slowly and with lots of chewing.

Another option is to add broccoli sprouts to a green smoothie.
The blender will also crush the broccoli cells very well and cause the formation of sulforaphane in large quantities.
It is highly recommended to use a vacuum blender when preparing a green smoothie in order to preserve the antioxidants that will not oxidize due to the blender's metal knife, which creates friction and a lot of heat during grinding.

Aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Artificial Colors, Chemical Preservatives, Emulsifiers and Thickening Agents are now part of a widespread contamination of the food we eat.What’s worse, while everyone is focused on fat, calories, carbohydrates, and, in some cases, food preservatives, few are really paying attention to chemicals that may be unlabeled in their groceries or even in the packaging that their food comes in.Problem is that most of these complex lab creations aren’t recognized by the body so they cannot be properly processed. As a result, they often become hazardous to our health.The health risks behind each of the above "INGREDIENTS" are numerous but the bottomline is quite simple TRY TO AVOID PROCESSED FOODS!

Be Careful with Zeolite and Its Various Derivatives
Studies have shown that clinoptilolite-based materials (a natural zeolite) are good detoxifying materials thanks to clinoptilolite’s remarkable ion-exchange and adsorption properties. It has proven useful in the elimination of a variety of contaminants from the body or in amelioration of the intestinal status.
The problem!
Beware of powdered zeolites sold alongside claims that they remove heavy metals from your body. All powdered zeolites contain very high concentrations of lead—typically
50,000 ppb and sometimes more—and their aluminum levels are many times higher. Some powdered zeolites were being dishonestly marketed as a daily dietary supplement, pushed by unscrupulous companies that claimed you should “detox daily” by consuming these finely ground rocks containing very high levels of lead and aluminum. Remarkably, one of the primary claims of zeolite marketers was that it removed lead and aluminum from our body. 

Chewing - A Must For Broccoli Sprouts Digestion
Broccoli - Top Food To Detoxify
Be Careful with Zeolite and Its Various Derivatives

The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with qualified health care professionals and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
Members are encouraged to make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals.
Individuals with any sort of medical condition, and in particular pregnant, nursing women, and others who take medications, are encouraged to consult their health care professional before using any product that is mentioned on this website.

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