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A brief Physiological Explanation
Type 1 Diabetes
More About Milk Risks
Preventing Type 1 Diabetes - Conclusion
Milk Substitutes For Vegans' Children
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Type 2 Medications
Cinnamon oil reduces insulin resistance
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes - Conclusion
Can Diabetes Type 2 Be Cured?
Can Diabetes Be Cured Naturally?
Reversing the Damage from Diabetes
A brief physiological explanation
Hyperglycemia - High blood sugar,Glucagon - A peptide hormone, produced by the pancreas,
HGP - Hepatic Glucose Production (summation of glucose production),
Lipolysis - is the metabolic pathway through which lipid triglycerides are hydrolyzed into a glycerol and free fatty acids. It is used to mobilize stored energy during fasting or exercise,
Incretin Effect - describes the phenomenon whereby oral glucose elicits higher insulin secretory responses than does intravenous glucose,
Type 2 diabetes, More than 37 million Americans have diabetes (about 1 in 10), and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes most often develops in people over age 45, but more and more children, teens, and young adults are also developing it.
A person who receives the diabetic "tag", has a 300% greater risk of cardiovascular disease compared to a person without diabetes.
Diabetes is the number 1 reason for foot and toe amputations in the western world.On average, diabetics live 6 years less than people without diabetes. Diabetes is also one of the main reasons that bring people to the need for dialysis due to kidney failure.
"In 2005, studies revealed a correlation between insulin levels and brain cell deterioration so convincing and provocative that health practitioners began to wonder whether Alzheimer’s disease might simply be type 3 diabetes.[REF1]. We already know that diabetics are at least twice as likely to experience dementia.[REF2]
It turns out that the cells of your brain can become insulin-resistant just like other cells in the body. And since the brain is a massive energy sink, capable of only a few minutes
of glucose deprivation before it becomes alarmed, it is especially sensitive to the problems associated with insulin resistance." Read more about cognitive decline and insulin resistance.
High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) is where the level of sugar in your blood is too high. It mainly affects people with diabetes and can be serious if not treated. People with diabetes can also have blood sugar that's too low. This is called low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia).
A Brief Physiological Explanation
Insulin is the hormone responsible (among other things) for introducing sugar (glucose) from the bloodstream into the cells."Homeostatic regulation (any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions [REF]) of glucose is primarily governed by the action of insulin in adipose ( a connective fat tissue that extends throughout your body), muscle, and liver tissue, which responds by activating signaling pathways involved in the metabolism of glucose and lipids, energy storage, and cell growth".
Type 1 Diabetes
More About Milk Risks
Preventing Type 1 Diabetes - Conclusion
Milk Substitutes For Vegans' Children
Type 1 Diabetes
"Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition. In this condition, the pancreas makes little or no insulin".It all starts with cow's milk! A1 beta-casein. Milk from breeds of cows that originated in northern Europe is generally high in A1 beta-casein. A1 β casein is enzymatically broken down in the intestine to produce Beta-Casomorphin-7.
This study brings numerous references to studies that corroborates the role of β-casomorphin-7 in some diseases such as type 1 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autism, schizophrenia, sudden infant death syndrome, apnea, constipation. For example, β-casomorphin-7 destroys pancreatic β cells, triggering activity effects of T and B cells of the autoimmune system, leading to the emergence of type 1 diabetes.
More About Milk RISKS
Casomorphins and Gliadorphins Have Diverse Systemic Effects Spanning Gut, Brain and Internal Organs.
"In the last decade (published Dec. 2022), the number of papers dealing with this problem has substantially increased. The newest clinical studies on humans showed a negative effect of variant A1 (β-casein A1 variant) on serum glutathione level, digestive well-being, cognitive performance score in children, and mood score in women.
Preventing Type 1 Diabetes - Conclusion
Type 1 diabetes could be almost completely eliminated from new borns, toddlers, children and young adults, as long as women avoid A1 milk intake during their pregnancy and breast feeding period, followed by avoiding A1 milk for New born, toddlers and children throughout their childhood period. A good substitute could be an casein A2 cow milk, goat milk (or cheese).
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Type 2 Medications
Milk Substitutes For Vegans' Children
It is recommended to use an organic, FRESH fruit juice (e.g. orange juice) or coconut milk (for fat) enriched with organic citrus fruit rind powder for its high content of minerals and most important magnesium and calcium.
There are those who would use enriched calcium citrate or malate orange juice (for calcium). For those who want to adopt this practice, we recommend to watch this Dr. Berg's video before proceeding with it.
Avoid SOY MILK (this short video will convince you why).
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a disease in which the body cells do not respond to insulin and do not allow glucose carried in the blood to enter them. The sugar remains in the blood and therefore its level keeps rising.
"Type-2 diabetes is likely to have its roots in an autoimmune reaction deep within the body, according to researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the University of Toronto.
Resistance to insulin is a pathophysiological state related to the decreased response of peripheral tissues to the insulin action, hyperinsulinemia and raised blood glucose levels caused by increased hepatic glucose outflow.
"The sphingolipid ceramide is the main culprit that combines a plethora of nutrients (e.g., saturated fatty acids) and inflammatory cytokines (e.g., TNFα) to the progression of insulin resistance".
"CD (Celiac Disease) cases ate significantly more gluten in the second year of life than controls, and gluten intake in the second year of life was strongly correlated with serum cytokines (INFγ, IL2, IL4, IL12p70, IL17) at 36 months only in CD cases.
"The prevalence of obesity and related metabolic diseases has increased dramatically worldwide. As obesity progresses, various lipid species accumulate in ectopic tissues. Amongst them, ceramides—a deleterious sphingolipid species—accumulate and cause lipotoxicity and metabolic disturbances. Dysregulated ceramide metabolism appears to be a key feature in the pathogenesis of obesity-related metabolic diseases".
"Wheat gluten and related proteins can trigger an autoimmune enteropathy, known as coeliac disease, in people with genetic susceptibility. However, some individuals experience a range of symptoms in response to wheat ingestion, without the characteristic serological or histological evidence of coeliac disease".
Conclusion of the above citations: Type 2 Diabetes is strongly correlated with intakes of GLUTEN and CARBOHYDRATES components, especially refined grains, starch and cereal fiber
Diabetes Type 2 Medications
Without getting into a comprehensive review, the most common medication used by type 2 diabetics patients is Metformin Hydrochloride. Many websites describe its side effects but it is hard to find one that would mention that "Metformin decreases gluconeogenesis (glucose production) in the liver. Metformin inhibits basal secretion from the pituitary gland of growth hormone". This is a significant issue! the pituitary gland and its Hypothalamic axises have a most important role in our body's metabolism and gut microbiota.
Cinnamon oil reduces insulin resistance
Cinnamon oil reduces insulin resistance
This scientific study brings the results of numerous scientific articles that showed the effect of cinnamon oil in reducing insulin resistance.
Additionally, this study that included in vitro, in vivo and in silico testing concludes: "Cinnamon bark essential oil reduced fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin in the general study population by more than 6 units each over the course of the 12-week study—this would represent a clinically beneficial change in a person with metabolic imbalance."
"In the prediabetic subgroup, the benefits are possibly more dramatic
(although still not reaching statistical significance, likely due to small sample size). Both the essential oil blend and the cinnamon bark essential oil caused a reduction in fasting blood glucose. In the case of the cinnamon bark essential oil, the group mean was reduced by more than 12 mg/dL. Clinically, the mean fasting blood sugar in the prediabetic participants taking the cinnamon bark essential oil was no longer in the prediabetic range following treatment.
Bottom line: The improvements reported above are the result of a daily ingestion of 6 grams of cinnamon powder or 250 mg of cinnamon essential oil, using the "conversion" formula to oil content [Page 22]: " 6 grams of Powder with oil content of up to 4% in cinnamon bark, translates to approximately 250 mg cinnamon essential oil".
A drop of oil is about 50 mg, so a proper daily dosage should be 3-5 drops of oil diluted in 1/2 table spoon of coconut oil. Read on this page about how to select a good quality cinnamon oil.
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes - Conclusion
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes - Conclusion
There are several theories, but we hope it is clear from the materials provided above that diabetes type 2 is caused by certain lifestyle habits and by improper nutrition. It is a disease that is 100% preventable. A person who changes his life habits and his diet, with 100% certainty will not be diabetic, even if both his parents and his entire extended family are diabetic.
Can Diabetes Type 2 Be Cured?
According to Western medicine, this is an incurable disease. Western medicine only tries to balance the sugar levels with drugs. But it is not about healing and in most cases the drugs used fail to balance the sugar levels to the levels of a healthy person.
Why does diabetes and pre-diabetes increase the risk of heart disease and stroke by hundreds of percent? "Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are powerful and independent risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. Atherosclerosis accounts for virtually 80% of all deaths among diabetic patients. Prolonged exposure to hyperglycemia is now recognized a major factor in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in diabetes. This is why diabetes, in which the blood sugar level is higher than normal, accelerates the hardening of the arteries by dozens of times and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes".
"In conclusion, this study showed that the serum ox-LDL (Oxidized low-density lipoprotein - LDL cholesterol) level increases with the length of diabetes, even though the patients' LDL-cholesterol level is maintained at a desirable level".
Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Cured NATURALLY?
The answer is an unequivocal yes!
It is possible to make the body's cells sensitive to insulin again.When the body's cells respond to insulin again, the sugar will enter the cells and its blood level will drop.
Drastic cut of carbohydrates and gluten intake will definitely bring a drastic change for both diabetes types. Just read this testimonial.
Yes, you can always seek the help of nutrition specialists, to help you with making the change, but rest assured that the basic requirements to drastically cut foods containing carbohydrate and gluten will always be part of their proposed diet.
Changing lifestyle habits and adapt a diet that fits age, general health condition, and possibly other constraints, such as personal preferences are the main tools that lead to the cure of diabetes.
Plants and nutritional supplements can help and sometimes even dramatically, but without changing dietary and movement habits there will be no real healing over time.There is no single diet that cures diabetes.
There are a large number of options, and many menus that will bring the diabetic patient to the goal - balancing sugar levels like a healthy person and restoring insulin sensitivity.
Reversing The Damage From Diabetes
Long-term Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) affects the normal functioning of heart, kidneys, nerves, arteries, bones, and joints. The T2D gradually alters the intrinsic material properties, and structural integrity of the tissues and prolonged hyperglycemia causes chronic damages to these tissues quality.
Tissue recovery is a prolonged process that depends on the structure of the specific tissue. Still our body's tissues do regenerate and replace themselves over time. Some of the tissues regenerate in 3 - 4 months (Dr. Berg video, min 5:11). Other tissues like nerve tissues, take years to regenerate. To help the tissue regeneration process, Dr. Berg recommends using two supplements:
Benfotiamine (min 5:52) - 4 capsules a day, Note: studies that tested the effectiveness of this product produced conflicting results! [REF]
Alpha lipoic acid (min 6:19) - 600 milligrams three times a day. Note: Alpha lipoic acid is recommended because it is both fat and water soluble. That means it can work throughout the body. Oregano oil could be a very good substitute for those who prefer herbal supplements.
Can Diabetes Type 2 Be Cured?
Can Diabetes Be Cured Naturally?
Reversing The Damage From Diabetes
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