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Dry Eyes
The Problem
In recent years, dry eyes became a very common and worrying phenomena. Dry eyes will worsen as a result of eye dysfunction. Eye "wetness" must be maintained for good eye health and vision. Your tears protect the surface of your eyes from infection. Without adequate tears, you may have an increased risk of eye infection. Damage to the surface of
your eyes. If left untreated, severe dry eyes may lead to eye inflammation, abrasion of the corneal surface, corneal ulcer and vision problems.
Would you expect an organ without sufficient movement and an organ that strains too much to be balanced?
The way we live affects our eyes, the result is that our eyes are in little movement, the existing movement is not continuous and does not include all Movement options (directions of view). Movement wets the eyes!
We do not blink enough. Blink activates the glands that are responsible for wetting the eyes!
We live in air-conditioned rooms. Air conditioners dry the mucous membranes and eyes!
We watch screens and computers for many hours. Effort of close-up vision dries the eyes!
We are not in nature and in open areas that allow the eyes to be relaxed. Effort dries the eyes!
In addition, the use of eyeglasses allow for clear vision, but prevents the eyes from full movement and also creates a state of slight blinking. Glasses cause dryness in the eyes as a result of the degeneration of free and natural eye movement!
A stinging, burning or scratchy sensation in your eyes.
Stringy mucus in or around your eyes.
Sensitivity to light.
Eye redness.
A sensation of having something in your eyes.
Difficulty wearing contact lenses.
Difficulty with night-time driving.
Watery eyes, which is the body's response to the irritation of dry eyes.
It is unfortunate that conventional medicine has only one way which is eye drops or some surgical treatment. At the end, the treatment is solely for the symptom and not for the problem itself.
There are a lot of causes for dry eyes, one of the significant causes is lack of movement in the visual system. Most of us, including children, including infants, including younger, older people, of all ages, suffer from dry eyes as a result of lack of eye movement, as a result of wearing glasses or prolonged staring at screens.
Can you pay attention to whether you are blinking or not blinking? The blink is a very, very gentle movement, hardly noticeable.
When we focus on a certain thing that is very interesting to us then we completely stop this action, almost completely.
We lower the number of blinks, it should be between 15 and 25 times a minute, and we may blink two or three times a minute, we are constantly with our eyes wide open, mind you - no eye movement.
Once there is no movement of the eyelid, the glands that are upstairs do not actually wet your eyes, and then you start to suffer from very dehydration of the eyes. And if you wear glasses, the action of blinking is disabled further, or its number decreases significantly.
The glasses themselves almost completely stop the blinking action because they provide you with the focus you need, but the effort to focus does not allow the eyes to actually open and close and eye dryness follows.
Just like any other joint or any other organ in our body that is in motion, this motion has to be "practiced"!
For example the joint of the shoulder, if it is not in motion then it
does not get wet and then you start problems of degeneration in the shoulder joint.
The same goes for the pelvic joints, if you do not move the pelvic joints - walking for example, then these joints also degenerate and dry out and to the point that we have to replace the joints.
Note! prolonged reading, prolonged screen watching, and so forth are all near sight, and the eyes were not developed for near sight,
for extended periods of time, and if you force them so, they start to suffer! Eyes start to suffer, you better response by starting to blink!
Dry eyes is a problem that could be resolved, with the exercises listed below: Note: Eye drops for dryness are a momentary solution, but in the long run ignoring the eyes creates sickness and suffering of the eyes.
Practices fo dry eyes
The Problem
Relaxation practice
Practices For Dry Eyes:
should be every three or four seconds.
One, two, three,
one, two, three, four,
one, two, three, four, five, say.
Enough, blink every five seconds,
but do not blink every 30 seconds or
every 20 seconds because then your eyes actually stare.
Speaking of movement, our eyes are very fond of a wide movement round, for spaces, for distances, observe in all directions.
And once we stare at the screens or if we are with glasses they are actually giving us this service of seeing in our place, that's what glasses do.
Playing with a ball provides and allows movement to all distances, to height, to the sides, to all directions.
And movement creates life in the eyes and body, lack of movement eventually creates degeneration for eye diseases.
Relaxation For Dry Eyes
Sit comfortably and close your eyes.Inhale, raise your eyebrows and exhale, narrow your eyes.Start with short and gentle exercises, prolong them over time.Repeat this exercise several times per day.Try this exercise whenever the eyes feel dry.
For an extra help to the eyes, put a wet, towel in the fridge, and occasionally take the towel and gently leave the wet towel for 10, 15 or 20 seconds on the eyes.
It will lower your swelling, provide fluids at a really high level if you cool your eyes with it.
Repetitions should be practiced as prescribed in each of the above sections of "How to apply".
Castor Oil For Dry Eyes
The use of castor oil for dry eyes is recommended because of its antioxidant and emollient properties and ability to promote circulation. Castor oil is rich in rolic acid a fatty acid with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Scientific studies demonstrated the effectiveness of castor oil for dry eyes and Blepharitis.
Castor Oil Usage
Use, castor oil that is organic, 100% pure, cold-pressed, unrefined, hexane-free - no preservatives, fragrances or additives,Premium pharmaceutical (USP - United States Pharmacopeia) grade.
Application: Apply 1 drop of castor oil to the inner canthus of each eye nightly at bedtime, with the goal of allowing the oil to work overnight without the temporary side effect of blurred vision. Alternatively, wipe one drop of castor oil over the eyelid.
Concurrent support includes contrast hydrotherapy in the form of alternating warm and cool compresses to the eyes, which help increase blood flow and further improve nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Castor Oil for Dry Eyes
Castor Oil Usage
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