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Reduced Blood Circulation Symptoms:
Blurry vision, dark spots, and objects looking further away than they really are. While the onset of central serous retinopathy (a medical condition that occurs when fluid builds up behind the retina in your eye) is disturbing and disruptive, the condition typically lasts for up to two months and then in some cases it may (or may not) go away on its own.
Choroidal Blood Flow
"Choroidal blood flow is the major source of oxygen and nutrients for the choroid and the outer retina of the eye [REF1].
Eye and Memory Interconnection
Eye and Memory Interconnection
Researchers have found "Maintaining good vision may be an important interventional strategy for mitigating age-related cognitive declines". In other words - the implications of eyeglasses and other artificial means that people use to compensate for nearsightedness or farsightedness (myopia or hyperopia) is detrimental to our memory!
We strongly recommend that no one should look at these findings as "it's too late" to improve! and at the same time to learn more about the findings of these utmost important research works, to avoid the clear implications of ignoring them.
Self-Healing Of The Eyes
We all have an inherent ability to heal ourselves. When possible, healing should follow preventive practices such as diet and physical exercises. In this site we focus on various aspects of these practices along with natural healing of eye problems that almost 100% of us experience at younger or older age.
The emphasis here is that "natural" healing has no side effects or implications that are discovered only after so much time after an artificial intervention is adopted.
Note: All the information provided here is based on research work, or on experience reported on the web, by trust worthy practitioners and health institutions. Most of the presented practices, represent personal experience of this site editors, practicing with some leading practitioner!
To get results, it is strongly recommended to adopt daily exercises, and of course the more that you diversify and willing to spend more time, the more that you will be able to sort out what works for you best. Here you will find access to practitioners and a space to share experience with others, as a source in the search for what works best for you.
Most of the methods prescribed here were developed by Dr. Bates who demonstrated that vision improvement can be obtained through exercises, even in severe pathological conditions.
The best part of self healing of the eyes is, that it is devoid of side effects as the ones sustained by traditional "accessories", surgeries, laser treatments and medications.
Even in difficult situations of diseases for which modern medicine has not found a cure and the prognosis predicts deterioration to a complete vision loss - self healing can bring improvement as thousands of patients have already learned.
Reduced Blood Circulation Symptoms
Self-healing of the Eyes
Massage Flexing Neck Muscles
Stand up straight and stretch and pay attention to what is happening to your eyes, to your energy? Where do the eyes look when you are upright? Now pull your chin forward right in front and notice what is happening to the eyes? Where is the effort felt?Hold your head upright and tilt the left ear towards the left shoulder and the right ear towards the right shoulder, pay attention to the range of motion. Tilt the left ear back to the left shoulder and massage the muscle that starts from the point behind the ear along the neck to the end that connects to the clavicle. Massage it gently with light squeezing movements along its length for a few minutes. Tilt your head to the right side and repeat the massage for a few minutes. After massaging both sides, check the range of motion of the neck again.The first session in the course for improving vision also deals with the motility of the neck and its effect on the state of vision.
Repetitions: Try to practice the above exercises once or twice a day for 5 - 10 min. each time.
Massage To Flex The Neck Muscles
Neck Relaxation for Improved Blood Flow
"Impaired choroidal blood flow is associated with several ocular diseases, including glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, and age-related macular degeneration (affects the central vision!)".
It is clear from the above citation that blood flow to the eye (and its choroid layer) has a central role in the quality of our vision!
Neck Relaxation for Improved Blood Flow
Therapeutic experience in vision improvement processes has led us to look at human posture, posture issues, can lead to a reduced range of motion, affect muscle flexibility and these directly affect vision. It must be understood that we must address the movement pattern and create a real change in it and this is a process that takes time. We live in a time when from childhood our neck muscles are contracted due to prolonged sitting. There is a close connection between the condition of the neck and the state of vision [REF5], [REF6].
Contracted and tense neck muscles or a problem in one of the cervical vertebrae disturbs blood flow [REF7] in and out of the brain and consequently the eye. An inclination of the neck, or a tilt forward to one side could lead to such disturbance. A massage that flexes the neck muscles will improve the range of motion of the neck and will immediately affect blood flow to the eyes and vision.
Eyes blood flow "enrichment"
A Must Read - Taking Resposibility
Eyes Blood Flow "Enrichment"
The eyes and the visual system are affected by the areas close to them.
By the forehead massaging action we relax the contracted and shortened areas that affect the mobility of the eye muscles and visual organs, and the blood flow in the eye vessels,
The following practice is important to enrich the blood flow to the visual system, to improve the function of the optic nerves, retina, pupil, cornea, lens and eyeball.
How to apply:
Sit comfortably in a chair, rest your arms on a pillow.
Place the fingers on the scalp and the wrist on the forehead.
Massage the forehead in deep motions without touching the eyes. It can be massaged in two ways,
by moving the head when the palms are not moving or by moving the palms.
Do it when you feel that you get the "signals" of a reduced blood flow as described in the the above section.
Taking Responsibility - a "Must Read!"
We are facing an epidemic of eyesight disturbances, with hundreds of millions of people subjected to prolonged exposure to computer screens, smartphone screens, LED lighting and overly strong lighting on city streets. Unfortunately, although it seems that today's medical establishment has the appropriate technology to predict such a disaster, it is certainly not prepared to deal properly with this epidemic.
Physicians often suffer from myopia (Nearsightedness) for holistic remedies to eye problems. Nowadays we understand the importance of allocating resources for repair and conservation purposes. More and more people are paying close attention to their diet, the environment in which they live, adopting exercises and other healthy habits. But we still do not devote enough time to the health of our eyes and maintaining their well-being. The success that optometry (a field that deals with the eye and vision) and ophthalmology (dealing with eye disorders) has had in recent decades, is largely responsible for the passive approach to our eye health.
Passive because they focus on the correction of vision problems using prescription vision lenses, and with the help of surgeries, without offering alternatives.
People take it for granted that if something goes wrong in their vision, medical science will come to their aid. Although in many cases it does happen, but more and more people look for ways to prevent disease in the first place, rather than just wait for their eye sight to start deteriorating. First, preventative action is more economical and pleasant! Compare twenty minutes a day of aerobic exercise, such as running on the beach or cycling in the park, versus hospitalization and recovery from clogged artery surgery, for all that that entails and all the problems involved.
Even if we add to the equation two visits a week to a gym and a regular massage, the preventative approach will still be much more affordable. We must commit now to formulating a health plan for our eyes, because the whole body is affected by their exertion.
The human eye is designed to detect hunting, to scan the horizon, to view birds, to observe from a distance. It is supposed to engage in a variety of activities, observing different things from different distances and different lighting each time. If we only look at the computer screen or the smartphone screen all day, with the same lighting, we will lose our diversity and visual acuity. We will lose the desire to look and see the diverse life around us.
And how does this relate to our body and energy level? Many report that they feel drained, very tired, in the middle of the day, and that they need something to wake them up. We need to remember that what we do with the eyes affects the whole body. As the poet said, "the eyes are the window to the soul." When we connect to our vision we connect to light and darkness, to nature, to our physical environment and to the people around us, in basic, simple and wonderful ways. Going for a run is not just good exercise; It may also greatly relieve the brain. This is the way to connect with your neighborhood, break away from the routine and expand your psychological comfort zone.
Similar things can be said about the way to learn to blink properly, about paying attention to details, about seeing distance and walking at night. There is no doubt that computers have contributed greatly to the promotion of the quality of life in our culture. But every year for hundreds of millions of people around the world, sitting in front of a computer becomes part of the routine of life, thus exposing their precious eyes to unnatural effort and poor lighting.
When people adopt central vision (accurate vision of details), they forget to use their peripheral vision (vision of items that are outside the central field of vision). They forget to blink. They forget to breathe properly. They bend their shoulders and strain their neck. They narrow their eyes to focus their gaze as they try to analyze digital data. Instead of using the natural human ability to search for images, they simply sit and passively wait for images that are constantly changing to reach them. We must work to protect our eyes from the computer, in order to avoid vision problems and keep our eyes fresh on a regular basis.It is our pleasure and our personal responsibility, to make the effort to connect with nature and our human potential.
Each of us must take the commitment to demand our legacy and our birthright: health, happiness, and a productive, long, balanced life; And it all starts with our eyes! Our senses allow us to connect intimately with each other, with our environment and with ourselves, and the sense of sight does this better than any other. When a person loses his sight, he is willing to pay the doctor as much as it takes to help him. Unfortunately, however, many medical procedures that the eyes undergo today, including laser surgery to remove glasses, are more harmful than helpful.
The problem is exacerbated because optometrists err in diagnosing the eye condition of many people; This is because of the tension and nervousness that patients feel during the test for glasses. Often, on examination, they are more tense and adopt their vision for fear of deterioration. Their normal vision is much calmer and therefore better than their vision when they are tense and apprehensive. But when did you hear about an optometrist who took such a situation into account? When did the optometrist massage your shoulders and ask you to take a deep breath before examining your eyes? When did the ophthalmologist ask you to pray, meditate or dance before measuring your intraocular pressure? Most optometrists make no effort at all to check the vision of their patients under normal and less tense conditions; Most people cannot test their own vision when they are in a more friendly environment.
That is why most people's prescription glasses are mistakenly based on vision in times of stress! The result is one: from a lack of choice, the eyes adapt to glasses whose prescription is wrong, and the vision condition deteriorates, instead of improving.In fact, most optometrists have no idea that stress is related to poor eyesight. The only way the eyes will fit the prescription is by making them even weaker. And so, at a slow and steady pace, the condition of the eyes gets worse.Stress reduces the intensity of your vision (visual acuity). Some people experience a feeling of dizziness when they put on their new glasses because the lenses are too strong for their eyes when they are not in a stressful environment like the optometrist's store.
Ask yourself which is better for the medical establishment: To help you heal yourself with an investment of time and self-healing study, or to provide you with a “fix” with surgery or a pill? In other words of the old adage: never ask the barber if you should get a haircut. Never ask an optometrist if you need glasses, because the habit of the medical profession is not to believe in your ability to improve vision. Whether the source is scientific or not - it hardly matters; Even if they seemingly want people not to wear glasses and see better, if your vision is less than 6/6, it does not matter to them whether it is 98% of 6/6, or 50% of 6/6. In both cases, they will prescribe corrective lenses, as they do not believe you can do anything to improve your vision. But if the doctor had sent you to do exercises to strengthen the eyes and relax the tension in them, it is likely that after a year you would return to him and find that your vision has actually improved to 6/6. The medical establishment is so dependent on technology and chemicals that it has no interest in adopting the simpler, less expensive, personal and holistic approach to preserving and correcting vision.
For those of you who have normal vision, or even better than normal, it is time to incorporate simple habits into life, to ensure that your extraordinary vision is maintained for the rest of your life or as long as possible.
Dr. Bates Method for natural vision recovery
The Bates Method is a 100-year-old approach that has helped tens of thousands of people recover their vision naturally.
Dr. Bates was in many ways a renegade. He was a traditionally trained ophthalmologist at Cornell University. He practiced for over 30 years and his experience with tens of thousands of patients showed him that there were serious flaws in the conventional views of eye science at the turn of the 20th century.
Rather than use the conventional cumbersome and relatively inaccurate Snellen eye charts (which are still used today) he used a far more accurate retinoscope to assess his patient's visual acuity.
The retinoscope is an instrument used to measure the refraction of the eye by throwing a beam of light into the pupil by reflection from a mirror, the light being either outside the instrument - above and behind the subject - or arranged within it by means of an electric battery.
Interestingly, to this day the Bates Method for natural vision recovery remains illegal in the state of New York.
Discover these 100-Year-Old Secrets! When your eye possesses central fixation it not only possesses perfect sight, but it is perfectly at rest and can be used indefinitely without fatigue. It is open and quiet; no nervous movements are seen. In other words, there are no muscular insufficiencies.
This fact is not generally known.
The muscles of your face and of your whole body are also at rest, and when the condition is habitual there are no wrinkles or dark circles around your eyes.
All the methods used in the improvement of poor vision are simply different ways of obtaining relaxation, and the fundamental principle is as follows:
Do you observe that when you read and look at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do not see best what you are looking at; that you see other words, or other letters, just as well as or better than the one you are looking at?
Do you observe also that the harder you try to see the worse you see?
Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color, like black or white that you can remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel rested, or until the feeling of strain has been completely relieved. Now open them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second.
If you have been able to relax, partially or completely, you will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area seen best will be smaller.
After opening your eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again quickly, still remembering the color, and keep them closed until they again feel rested. Then open them again for a fraction of a second.
Continue this alternate resting of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer than a fraction of a second without losing the improved vision.
If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use the same method with distant letters. In this way, you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental principle of the cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses.
Dr. Bates - More Tips to Help You Recover Your Vision
Remember that relaxation, NOT exercising your eye muscles, is the answer to recovering your vision. The strain to see is a strain of your mind, and, as in all cases in which there is a strain of your mind, there is a loss of mental control. So strategies designed to eliminate the mental strain that underlies the imperfect functioning of your eyes are the key to recovering your vision.
It is also important to understand that sleep is not relaxation.
Most people, when told that rest or relaxation will improve their eye troubles ask why sleep does not do so. This is because your eyes are rarely, if ever, completely relaxed in sleep, and if they are under a strain while you are awake, that strain will certainly be continued while you sleep, to a greater or lesser degree, just as a strain of other parts of your body continues.
The fact is that when your mind is at rest, nothing can tire your eyes, and when your mind is under a strain nothing can rest them.
A very common habit that many people wind up doing is squinting when they want to see more clearly. This does work initially but it actually worsens your vision over time as it will cause chronic contraction of the muscles around your eyes, which is precisely why you start to lose your near vision when you age.
So one of the KEY strategies you can use to recover your vision is simply to notice when you are squinting, and stop. What you can do as an alternative to squinting to improve your sight is to blink a few times.
Simply blinking rapidly a few times will help you see more clearly and is a long term solution that will improve your vision, unlike squinting which will actually worsen your vision over time.
Another key strategy is viewing documents on your computer. While it is very easy to adjust the font of your documents to larger sizes, your best bet is to avoid doing this. WRONG ACTION!
Changing the size of Word documents from 100% to 150% which clearly makes it easier to read, leads to a progressive worsening of your vision. So if you want to improve your vision, read in the smallest font possible on your screen.
Avoid Sunglasses Like the Plague
Another powerful, simple, and inexpensive strategy is to ditch your sunglasses. Most people don't understand that there are more than 1500 wavelengths of light that you need to nourish your eyes.
When you deprive your eyes of these wavelengths they will become progressively more malnourished and worsen your eyesight.
There are some conditions where sunglasses make sense, but they are under extreme and short-term circumstances, such as skiing down a mountain or boating on a bright sunny day, where the snow or water greatly magnifies the sunlight to unusual and potentially harmful circumstances.
But otherwise, wear a cap and keep the sun out of your eyes that way, as the hat will not block any of the sunshine from nourishing your eye.
How a Simple Technique Can be One of the Most Relaxing Things for Your Eyes!
For example, Dr. Bates believed that blurred vision is functional rather than structural - it results from chronic tension in some or all of your six extrinsic eye muscles.
Self-healing program focuses on retraining the external muscles of your eyes and could be helpful to you if...
You're nearsighted or farsighted and use glasses or contact lenses
You've been told you have astigmatism
You have presbyopia or "aging eyesight," and use reading glasses to see close-up
You're just starting to notice problems with your eyesight. Your vision isn't as clear as it used to be and you're concerned that it may be worsening
You're considering LASIK eye surgery, but have concerns or fears about the risks
You're tired of dealing with the hassles and expense of glasses or contact lenses
You suffer from eye strain, muscle tension headaches or tight muscles in the neck and upper back from reading, watching TV, or using your computer.
You've already had LASIK, but your vision is starting to worsen again.
Dr. Bates Method
More tips - Dr. Bates
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