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Eye Relaxation Practice - Palming
The Problem
How Do Eye Exercises Improve Your Vision?

The Problem:

You have muscles in your eyes just like in the rest of your body. When your eye muscles become "harder" and do not relax as needed for distance vision due to overuse, you cannot see as clearly. The problem is that when people work with digital devices, they do not blink as much. Consequently, this leads to eye strain and poor vision If you exercise your eyes on a regular basis, you can keep your eyes strong and healthy.

It has been known for years that prolonged eye tension (over months and

months) cause eyesight deterioration.

Eye tension could be a contributing factor to other eye malfunctions such as shortsightedness, lazy eye and accelerated "aging" of the eyes with its accompanied damages such as macular degeneration, cataracts and other illnesses.

There are many daily activities that trigger eye tension, but the most "common" on is reading.

Reading is strenuous exercise for our eyes. We are so fascinated by the abundant information from the pages and computers to our minds that we forget that our eyes are working hard. Biologically our eyes are designed to move flexibly from a near-distant focus, but our reading habits are harmful and incorrect and detrimental to eye health.


  • Sore, tired, burning or itching eyes.

  • Watery or dry eyes.

  • Blurred or double vision.

  • Headache.

  • Sore neck, shoulders or back.

  • Increased sensitivity to light.

  • Difficulty concentrating.

  • Feeling that you cannot keep your eyes open.

How Do Eye Exercises Improve Your Vision?

Studies show that our modern use of technology causes eye strain. Most of us use a computer, smartphone, or watch a lot of TV. As a result, more and more people are having vision problems, "compensated" by wearing contact lenses and glasses.

It is well documented and known, that our eyesight will continue to deteriorate with these "artificial" eyesight correction "tools". But you don’t have to suffer further vision loss. Use the eye exercises listed below to create healthier eye muscles and reduce eye strain.

Exercising your eyes is just like exercising your arms and legs. Your muscles will get stronger, you’ll have more stamina, and you’ll be less likely to develop further vision impairment due to eye strain.

Palming Relaxation Practice

The technique of palming to rest the eyes from all light stimulation was an integral part of Dr. Bates' approach.
He concluded from his study and treatment of thousands of eyes that tight muscles actually contort the eyes and restrict circulation.

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Focus change

Dr. Bates found that palming helps those muscles relax and let go.

Palming just a few minutes in the morning, at night, or while at work can be very restful. Many people report clearer vision and a reduction of symptoms such as headaches and dry eyes with regular palming.

The palming technique has been used successfully for years. It's one of the most relaxing things you can do for your eyes.

How to Apply:

  1. Rest your elbows comfortably on a table or desk.

  2. Cover your eyes with your cupped palms as shown.

  3. Add a pillow under your elbows if more height is needed to keep your back relaxed and straight.

  4. Breathe deeply while you palm for a few minutes.



Do it many time a day for a few minutes (3 -5) each time.


It turns out that "palming" is one of the most relaxing things you can do for your eyes. And relaxation is a cornerstone of improving your vision naturally.

Palming just a few minutes in the morning, at night, or while at work can be very restful. Many people report clearer vision and a reduction of symptoms such as headaches and dry eyes with regular palming

Focus Change:

Change your focus from near objects to far objects & blink as explained below.

  • Look to the distance and try to discern small objects in the distance, but not for long, "hop" from object to object. If long distance is not an option, change your focus to something 15 to 20 feet away for three to five seconds.

  • As you change your focus, be sure to breathe deeply and blink.


Here’s how to perform the blinking exercise:

  • Generally speaking, you have to blink 25 times every minute! 

  • Blink every four seconds

Once you’ve completed this exercise, you will find that your eyes feel less tired and strained.


There is a close connection between breathing and eye condition and vision. Inhalation and exhalation create movement in our chest and in our back vertebrae. Vertebrae C1, C2 are responsible for eye function and are located inside the skull.  There are different breathing patterns, many of us breathe shallow breaths. This practice intends to break this "breathing pattern".

While you take the break, breathe and slowly fill your stomach with air and then your chest. Notice that you are breathing into your abdomen as the entire lower back moves,

Straighten up and let the aspiration stretch your entire spine. Imagine as you inhale the movement from the tailbone along the entire spine and into the skull.



Every 20 min of close-up look, take a short break of 30 seconds.

If your average close-up look is 7 hours a day, it translates to 7 min of your time!

Did you know that something as easy as blinking can help you see better? This is because blinking helps your eyes stay moist, allowing you to focus longer.

Please note: Each time you shut your eyes, the Meibomian glands produce moisture to cleanse your eyes. Blinking helps your eyes feel refreshed ready to focus again. Because of these factors, this exercise helps.

Adjust Your Reading Practices

Adjust Your Reading Practices

Reading is strenuous exercise for our eyes.
We are so fascinated by the abundant information from the pages and computers to our minds that we forget that our eyes are working hard.

average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 2 votes, Reviews
Avoid Close-up look.png

Biologically our eyes are designed to move flexibly from a near-distant focus, but our reading habits are harmful and incorrect and detrimental to eye health. The recommendations for proper reading will help for considerable eye strain reduction. 

How to apply:

  • Read in a light that is not too weak or too strong. Never read in a light that is uncomfortable to your eyes.

  • Occasionally look up from the scripture and look at a remote area of ​​the room.

  • While reading or doing computer work, pay attention to your entire field of vision.

  • Note that the shoulders are not held up or are rounded forward.

  • Remember to take deep breaths from time to time. There is a tendency to hold your breath while reading, as with many other activities that require concentration.

  • Sit upright and comfortably when the neck is not bent.

  • Note that the room is ventilated so that the eyes remain moist in an over-air-conditioned room.

  • Be sure to move from time to time to create better blood flow to the body organs and thus more oxygen will reach the eyes.

  • Take a short break from reading, every twenty minutes.


Repetitions: It is advisable to adopt the above prescribed practice whenever you read, or work looking at your electronic devices screens

Expected Results:

Although many people believe their eyes will naturally get worse, the truth is - they don’t have to.

You have muscles in your eyes just like in the rest of your body. When your eye muscles become "harder" and do not relax as needed for distance vision due to overuse, you cannot see as clearly. The problem is that when people work with digital devices, they do not blink as much. Consequently, this leads to eye strain and poor vision If you exercise your eyes on a regular basis, you can keep your eyes strong and healthy.

Many people find that they can keep their vision strong longer than those who do not exercise their eyes regularly. We’ve found five amazing simple exercises to improve your vision!

Expected Results

The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with qualified health care professionals and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
Members are encouraged to make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals.
Individuals with any sort of medical condition, and in particular pregnant, nursing women, and others who take medications, are encouraged to consult their health care professional before using any product that is mentioned on this website.

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