Once you discover the difference of fresh aloe from its various processed derivatives, you will not look back - be it hair recovery and growth, BPH, many skin problems, burns and the list goes on. We strongly recommend that you make it part of your daily diet.
“Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices.”Song of Solomon 4:14
The market is flooded with aloe juices, and gels that are so-called "FRESH". The problem is that all of these products, which are sold through various marketing channels, may have been passed through forceful extraction of shredders pulverizers and the like, pasteurized, aloin extraction and decolorization using activated carbon, and contain additives of some sort such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to be so-called "enriched". Last but not least, remember that food processing equipment and manual handling require the use of various chemicals for aseptic sterilization.
Pasteurization is a process in which packaged and non-packaged foods (such as milk and fruit juice) are treated with mild heat, usually to less than 100 °C (212 °F), to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life. The process is intended to destroy or deactivate organisms and enzymes that contribute to spoilage or risk of disease, including vegetative bacteria, but not bacterial spores.
Here is what ChatGPT has to say about Pasteurization:
"Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions in living organisms. They are sensitive to temperature, and excessive heat can denature them, meaning it disrupts their structure and function. In pasteurization, while the intention is to kill harmful microorganisms, some of the enzymes in the fruit juice may also be affected, leading to changes in flavor, color, and nutritional content."
Activated carbon Decolorization and Aloin removal processing is yet another aloe leaf processing that cuts the aloin content in the aloe gel of the fresh leaf, from 10,000 - 20,000 ppm to less than 10 ppm. Problem is that some of the most potent anti-inflammatory qualities of the aloe leaf are in its aloin element "The present results indicate that aloin and aloe-emodin possibly suppress the inflammatory responses" [REF], "The most relevant antioxidants present in Aloe plants are aloin" [REF]. There are many scientific studies and other claims that aloin is toxic! Is it? Learn more below. To sum it in short - it's all a matter of the dosage used! Drinking a glass of aloe gel smoothie after removing the aloe skin as we demonstrate on this page cuts the aloin content to marginal if at all.
Other so-called aloe products are formulated from aloe powder (of dried extract) which also contains only a small fraction of the huge variety of beneficial ingredients that are contained in the fresh aloe leaves (read more). Read more - enzyme destruction in blenders.
These processing techniques are not just “words” they make a lot of a difference between the benefits of the raw gel and aloin of the leaf at the time of extraction, and their derivative products after going through industrial processing.
Aloe enzymes are the most sensitive to these processing stages, but still they are most important in their contribution to our digestive system "essential enzymes, which stimulate digestion and liver functions" [REF]!
Enzymes are essential for healthy digestion and a healthy body. They work with other chemicals in the body, such as stomach acid and bile, to help break down food into molecules for a wide range of bodily functions.
This scientific article that tested the action of Aloe vera on the profiles of enzymes associated with carcinogen metabolism and antioxidant status regulation in mice CONCLUDES:
"Out of the various aloe vera processing stages, pasteurization is the most destructive in its impact on the enzyme content of the finished product, when compared to the content of the raw aloe vera leaves."
Raw fresh aloe leaves are the key ingredient of Father Romano Zago’s recipe in his books “Cancer Can Be Cured” and "Aloe Isn’t a Medicine and Yet...It Cures!"
What is so special about Father Zago and his books?
Trust Worthy
We consider Father Zago an unbiased, reliable source of information motivated by the wish to share the aloe therapeutic powers as experienced by him and his colleagues and supported by numerous scientific studies to which he includes as references in his books
Trusted, Unbiased Personal Experience
“I put my trust in experience, the teacher of life. Only this could safely and objectively teach me what the ideal recipe was to be.” ("Cancer Can Be Cured" P. 36)
Herbal Therapy
In his two books, “Cancer can be cured” and “Aloe isn’t medicine, and yet . . . it Cures.” Father Zago demonstrates his conviction in the powers of herbal therapy - a conviction that we strongly share with him.
Scientifically Proven
Father Zago is exceptionally meticulous to present scientific evidence with references to studies that corroborate his own "field" experience and the testimonials of his patients and associates.
Scientific studies and father Romano Zago's own experience show that his therapeutic recipe that includes raw fresh aloe leaves, raw - quality honey, and alcohol (read more here) should become a daily supplement in every north american home.
quality honey and alcohol can be found in almost any grocery, but fresh aloe arborescens (aloe in short) leaves are simply not available (unless you grow it yourself).
frozen aloe vera barbadensis (aloe vera in short) leaves are a very good alternative to the aloe arborescens leaves! here is why:
Freezing the leaves on the same day that they are harvested, preserves all their nutritional ingredients. NOTE! Scientific studies showed that in order to avoid the loss of biological activity of aloe leaves, any processing (including home processing) of the leaves must be completed within 36 h of their harvesting.
Notice! Shipping and storage of fresh aloe vera leaves sold in groceries take many days (and often times - weeks) causing significant degradation of their beneficial ingredients (Read more, Watch more).
Dr. Ivan Danhof, MD, Ph.D. in his paper "The Therapeutic Components in Aloe Vera" attributes most of the aloe vera beneficial therapeutic properties to the polysaccharides which are 2.4 times richer in the aloe vera leaf's skin when compared to their content in the leaf's gel (Read more on the aloe vera leaf structure here)! Many other studies have shown the significant beneficial ingredients that are contained in the "aloin" (found in the aloe Latex layer). Read more [1], [2],
A scientific study that compared the beneficial ingredients of the aloe vera shows that the aloe vera has the same beneficial ingredients as the aloe arborescens but in terms of beneficial ingredients by weight ratio (using whole leaves), aloe vera has 60% more polysaccharides, 43% less aloin and 70% less antioxidants . When we take the top section of the aloe vera leaf which contains much smaller amount of gel - what we call the "gel slim section" and use it for the recipe, we substantially increase the content of the polysaccharides and therefore, the therapeutic potential of the recipe (Read more here on the two plants and their use).
What are the applications of the frozen aloe vera "gel rich sections"?
The applications are numerous! First and foremost, the aloe vera gel contains the glucomannan which hinders tumor cell metastasis (cancer cell growth). Numerous aloe vera users, made the leaves' gel part of their daily diet, as a preventive measure, by preparing smoothies, juices and so many other recipes. Learn more about the best way to extract the gel out of the gel-rich section and prepare yet another healthy juice formula.
The results of consuming our aloe leaves are likely to be much better and more dramatic than the proven benefits that have been discovered so far in the research studies as we present in the Scientific Studies page.
An extensive review of many scientific studies on the subject of aloin toxicity is presented by Father Zago in his book “Cancer can be cured” on pages 138 - 153. Just one citation brought in this section is copied from the book "Aloe – Myth Magic Medicine", by Odus M. Hennessee and Bill R. Cook, (P.11) that reads:"The sap contains most of the medicinal agents and is much more than a laxative or treatment for minor skin ailments.
Some are convinced that the outermost aloe skin has no curative virtues, notwithstanding the fact it contains a large number of nutritional elements, found in the sap and gel. Previous studies have proved that the skin is neither harmful nor dangerous, as many people have claimed. Logic suggests that use of the whole leaf is preferable.”
More recent study published by the US National Institutes of Health concludes (see section "3.8.1. Toxicology"): "Until now there are no published controlled in vivo toxicology studies of Aloe vera in humans (Steenkamp and Stewart 2007). In animal studies, Aloe vera-derived ingredients were not found to be toxic in acute oral studies using mice and rats.".In conclusion, the above materials indicate that so far there are no findings that indicate toxic side effects in humans as long as the ingestion and topical application of aloin and the other aloe vera whole leaf ingredients is within the range of Father Zago's recipe and servings (dosage) guidelines.
Aloin related scientific studies
The leaves peeled skin and its thin layer of gel and aloin is doing wonders when used for topical applications, that require anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral remedies, fighting acne (Read more), dark spots, Simple herpes, herpes zoster and numerous other applications, as mentioned in Father Zago's book "Aloe isn't Medicine and Yet...It Cures!" (some of these applications are collected in this paper).