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Almost 100% of those living in modern environment experience eye problems at some point in their lives, definitely more so at an older age. Over three out of four people believe that their sight is the most important sense they have. This is probably related to the fact that about 80% of what we perceive through our senses comes in through our sight. Good eyesight plays a crucial role in our mobility and enjoyment of life so it would certainly make sense to optimize our eyesight as much as possible without the use of artificial and unnatural aids that will only worsen our vision with continued use.
Several studies indicate that the prevalence of myopia (nearsightedness) is increasing in the U.S. and worldwide, and researchers project that the trend will continue in the coming decades. 

Myopia occurs when the eye grows too long from front to back. Instead of focusing images on the retina—the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye—images are focused at a point in front of the retina. As a result, people with myopia have good near vision but poor distance vision"
It is due to changes in the shape of your eye, the shape of the cornea and/or changes in the lens due to aging.
"Studies reveal that high levels of screen time are associated with around a 30% higher risk of myopia. And combined with excessive computer use, this increases the risk to around 80% by altering the structure of the eyeball"

Diagram of Eye Myopia.png

Diagram of eye with myopia.  Image National Eye Institute

About 41.6 percent of Americans are nearsighted, up from 25 percent in 1971.1  “The trend appears to be upwards in many other parts of the world, but the changes have been nowhere near as spectacular as in East and Southeast Asia,” said Ian Morgan, Ph.D., a myopia researcher at Australian National University. In the developed countries of East and Southeast Asia, the prevalence has now reached 80 to 90 percent among children with 12 years of school.2,3 Projections suggest that almost 50 percent of the world will be myopic by 2050.

Excessive screen time also causes the glands that keep your eyes moist to atrophy, resulting in painful dry eyes.
Melatonin and lutein are important for eye health. Lutein in particular has been shown to significantly reduce your risk for myopia. The most important prevention strategy, however, appears to be spending more time outdoors in natural daylight and cutting screen time

Eyeglasses Actually WORSEN Your Vision! Glasses Only Treat the Symptoms, In today's "spinning door" world of managed healthcare, it's no surprise that most doctors will simply prescribe glasses or even surgery right off the bat. And let's face it - they've been trained to treat vision that way and they're not about to change overnight. So if they tell you there's "nothing else you can do" and "no other way" to improve your eyesight, keep this in mind before you decide: Stronger eyeglasses do nothing to address the underlying root of vision health, nor do they protect your eyes from the ever-continuing onslaught of free radical damage.

Contact Lenses

Don't be misled to believe that contact lenses are a good benign alternative. They certainly are not a natural solution. And there's no way you were ever designed to wear them.

Believe me -- I spent over 5 years researching all forms of vision improvement to not only help you, but to solve my own vision problem as well. I am convinced that contacts can be an even worse solution than glasses.

Here are the main issues that you may want to consider when you evaluate the pros and cons of contact lenses and why we recommend you to avoid them:

Contact lenses:

  • Are inconvenient to use, can be uncomfortable to you with a poor fit

  • Create recurring expenses for replacements, solutions, and check-ups

  • Can be difficult for you to keep clean and disinfected

  • Can potentially lead to irritation and abrasion of your cornea

  • May deprive your covered cornea of necessary oxygen

  • Dry out your eyes and may cause eye and eyelid infections

  • Subject you to irritation from dust, pollutants, and allergens

  • May interfere with your normal blinking and tearing

  • Potentially distort the shape of your cornea, impacting your vision 

But there is an even more concerning issue with contact lenses -- the lens solutions and cleansers necessary for their use.

Fungal eye infections causing potential blindness forced some companies to withdraw their cleansers from the marketplace. Well-established companies such as Bausch and Lomb and Advanced Medical Optics, to name two, faced recall issues on their lens solutions.

So, if you have any doubt about using contact lenses, this is certainly an additional serious concern. Due to injury and even death, law-suits have been filed against at least one of the cleanser producers.

Risk of LASIK

Warning: LASIK May Cause You MORE Problems than Improvement, the latest laser technology can slice and dice your cornea, reshaping it through computer-driven instruments to correct refractive error.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if a simple surgery could provide a simple quick fix? I know many of you have considered LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) surgery. The challenge is that for many, LASIK produces amazing results in the short term.

But what people fail to consider is the long-term perspective. Recent studies raised further questions on the safety and efficacy of laser surgery for improving sight.

Most patients do not even recover 20/20 vision. The long-term view is not much better.

Even for those who initially attain "perfect" 20/20 eyesight, the improvement diminishes for many after six months, requiring the use of glasses for such tasks as night driving or reading.

And the costs?

Most insurance companies still do not cover the procedure. Here are a few examples of the pricing and option complexities you face:

  • $2,105 for all laser-based vision correction procedures in which a single price is quoted.

  • $1,662 for non-customized LASIK using a bladed instrument (microkeratome) and excimer lasers not guided by wavefront analysis.

  • $2,341 for wavefront-guided LASIK using IntraLase.

Even more troubling is your risk of complications and side effects from botched or problematic LASIK surgery -- many of which have been downplayed to the general public.

Even though the FDA is supportive of LASIK surgery, their own website on LASIK surgery raises the following risks you should be aware of:

  • Some patients lose vision -- Some patients lose lines of vision on the vision chart that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery as a result of treatment

  • Some patients develop debilitating visual symptoms -- Some patients develop glare, halos, and/or double vision that can seriously affect nighttime vision

  • You may be under-treated or over-treated -- Only a certain percent of patients achieve 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts. You may require additional treatment, but additional treatment may not be possible

  • Some patients may develop severe dry eye syndrome -- As a result of surgery, your eye may not be able to produce enough tears to keep the eye moist and comfortable. This condition may be permanent

  • Results are generally not as good in patients with very large refractive errors of any type -- You should discuss your expectations with your doctor and realize that you may still require glasses or contacts after the surgery

  • For some farsighted patients, results may diminish with age -- The level of improved vision you experience after surgery for farsightedness may decrease with age

  • Long-term data are not available -- LASIK is a relatively new technology. Therefore, the long-term safety and effectiveness of LASIK surgery is not known.

Contact Lenses
Risk of lasik

The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with qualified health care professionals and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
Members are encouraged to make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals.
Individuals with any sort of medical condition, and in particular pregnant, nursing women, and others who take medications, are encouraged to consult their health care professional before using any product that is mentioned on this website.

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