The Problem:
What are the signs of lazy eye (amblyopia)?
Early warning signs include:
A tendency to bump into objects on one side,
An eye that wanders inward or outward,
Eyes that appear not to work together,
Poor depth perception,
Double vision,
Lazy Eye Could Affect Body Balancing!
Lazy eye, is a common condition that occurs in approximately 3 out of every 100 children.
In some cases, lazy eye may be the result of untreated strabismus. Strabismus is a
There is a direct connection between the visual system and body balancing and vice versa.
Lazy Eye Practices
Pencil push-ups for lazy eye
For this exercise, you can use a pencil or any object that’s pencil shaped. When doing this exercise, don’t place an eye patch over the stronger eye.
Hold the pencil in front of you at arm’s length.
Slowly move the pencil as close to the nose as possible, without it becoming blurry or doubled.
Once the pencil becomes blurry, move it away from the nose.
If the pencil contains a visual element, focus on it.
Repeat 5 times.
Do this session at least 3 times a day.
Brock String Exercise
This exercise helps the eyes learn how to work together to focus on an object. It was developed by Frederick Brock, a Swiss optometrist and strabismus specialist who died in 1972.
This exercise requires a Brock string or a homemade version. A Brock string is a white string that’s approximately 15 feet long. It has colorful wooden beads on it, which can be moved around. Don’t use an eye patch when doing this exercise.
Shop for a Brock string online.
To do the Brock string exercise:
Tie a loop on both ends of the Brock string.
Use one loop to attach the string to a doorknob or other fixed object.
Position the beads along the string so that one is close to the doorknob (far fixation), one is around 3 feet away from you (middle fixation), and one is 6 inches from your nose (near fixation).
Stand directly in front of the doorknob.
Use the other string loop to place the Brock string around your finger.
Hold the string flush along your upper lip, right under your nose.
The cord should be stretched tight. If it isn’t tight, take a moment to adjust and shorten it by making the loops larger.
Look at the bead closest to you, and make sure you see one bead, not two. If you see two beads, move the bead until you see one. You should see two strings, as if one string is coming from each eye. The strings should form an X shape.
As you move the bead closer to your nose, the strings should meet exactly at the bead, and take on a V shape.
Repeat by shifting your focus to the middle fixation bead and then the far fixation bead.
As your weak eye becomes stronger, the bead should be able to be moved closer to your eyes, until it’s only 1 inch away.
Try to practice this exercise three times a day.
Dot Card
For this exercise, you’ll work to maintain a single image of a dot on a card with both eyes. To use a dot card:
Draw dots on a rectangular card made out of cardboard or another type of stiff paper.
Hold the card lengthwise and touching your nose so that the line of dots is directly in front of your face.
Tilt the card down slightly.
Focus on the dot farthest away from you. If your eyes are converging correctly, the pattern of dots should look like they’re in an A shape. The dot you’re focusing on should be singular and not blurry.
Focus on the next dot in line, and then the next, holding each dot in focus for a count of five. If your eyes are continuing to converge correctly, an X shape will form.
When you reach the dot that’s closest to you, the dots in the back will double and form a V shape.
Try to repeat this exercise three times a day.
We presented above three different exercises. Try to practice the exercise of your choice at least three times a day.
Expected Results:Exercises are expected to significantly improve the balance of eyes and body, convergence insufficiency as well as conditions of strabismus, and amblyopia.