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Origanum Minutiflorum
Wild Harvasted Oregano Oil


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Product details

  • Highly concentrated,

  • above 75% Carvacrol,

  • No thymol content,

  • No standardization, no additives,  

  • Steam distilled premium quality essential oil, 

  • Suitable for internal consumption with medical supervision & advice



Why Origanum Minutiflorum? How could you tell that your oregano vulgar is "WILD HARVESTED"? Origanum Minutiflorum is “rare and grows only at altitudes above 1500 m, on rocky soils, and on only two or three mountain massifs in southern Turkey”[REF].

In other words - it can only thrive, when growing wild at high altitude.This harvesting source ensures natural, high level, relatively homogeneous, carvacrol as well as other important ingredients. Read more

The most common plant used for oregano oils - Oregano Vulgar
, is cultivated throughout the world at low altitudes with many subspecies.
As such, many vendors of this product, tend to STANDARDIZE, the extracted oil, namely adding to the oil one or more ingredients - most notably, adding carvacrol, to maintain a "good level" of that ingredient. Some vendors will claim for "Wild oregano plant harvested from high altitude habitat" with no attempt to substantiate this claim.
Using the Origanum Minutiflorum resolves the substantiation issue because it is not cultivated, and its wild habitat is very limited to the Massifs Mountains in southern Turkey. [REF]

NOTE! Many oregano oil vendors became aware of the ORIGANUM MINOTIFLORUM superior qualities and are naming there oregano oil as origanum minutiflorum, without actually sourcing their oil or the leaves they use for the extraction of the oil from that plant. If you want this unique oil, verify its source and don't let the product name to mislead you.

OREGANO OIL BLENDS -  Some oregano oil vendors do not make it very clear that their product is a blend (most often with olive oil) where the olive oil is the major ingredient in the bottle. Some of these vendors offer a "regular" oregano oil (the word blend is not mentioned) and a super strength oregano oil which according to one of their sellers "...the difference between super strength and regular strength is that the ratio of olive oil to oregano oil is considerably different, by nearly 3-fold."
They would tell you that the carvacrol content in their oregano oil is above a certain percentage, but without knowing the composition of the blend that they offer in the bottle, you would not be able to figure out, how much carvacrol you really get in the oil that you take!
Of coarse, pure oregano essential oil should be blended significantly before use (between 1-4 drops in a tablespoon of a carrier oil - like olive oil, read more below), be it for topical or ingestion, but most customers are not aware that what they buy is not the pure oregano oil but mostly an olive oil!

STANDARDIZATION of essential oils alters and disrupts their natural construction. Standardization practice intends to maintain consistency and/or to selectively increase specific naturally occurring compounds - most notably, carvacrol. This can be done by the producer, before, during or after the extraction process.

Examples of standardization practices include modifications of the plant seed and growth environment, and the addition of isolated components post-distillation/extraction.

This selective process disrupts the synergy that occurs when trace components that would otherwise naturally occur within the plant are lost to make room for the unnatural increase in components.
As demonstrated by this study [REF], the overall effect of the beneficial components  Disruption of this synergy, has a dramatic impact of lowering the effectiveness of the oil.  

Regardless of the technique, when the natural composition of the oil is altered, and synergy is compromised, renders the oil to become less effective than if it were in its natural state.

We recommend 100% pure origanum minutiflorum oil which needs no standardization or any other practice to improve its quality from the harvesting of the wild plant through the distillation process, preservation of its natural qualities is the guiding line.

Coordinated with regional forestry authorities, the origanum we recommend is carefully harvested, to preserve this specie in this unique habitat.

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Special qualties to look after


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On this page of this website we present many scientific references that confirm the superior effectiveness of the oregano oil and its various ingredients - most notably carvacrol and thymol, to combat various infections and inflammation that may inflict our body.

In the section below, we provide details of specific health conditions and references to scientific studies that demonstrated the benefits of oregano oil in coping with these conditions.

We recommend this product because of its importance as a herbal treatment for health issues and the fact that very few out of its numerous providers bother to mention the exact plant variety that they use, its harvesting grounds and the significance of these elements on the quality of its health ingredients. Offerings that provide information on the source of their oregano oils are expensive. Here we try to call your attention beyond the oil's price, to the details of its source and the content level of its important ingredients.

Health benefits




All these conditions are categorized under "viral infection". As demonstrated on this page, scientific studies (e.g. [REF]) demonstrated the efficacy and mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol against a wide range of pathogens.

There are many factors that contribute to gut inflammation, including diet and lifestyle habits, microbial balance and the presence of toxins. 
The truth is, that many people have intestinal parasites and don’t even know it!  They are not uncommon, and oregano oil can help to rid them from your body. [REF]

This referenced study [REF], has shown a reduction in inflammation throughout the small intestine and colon, with pigs fed with oregano essential oil. “A potential factor of gastrointestinal dysfunction and pathology, including Crohn's disease, multiple organ dysfunction, bacterial translocation, food allergies, and acute pancreatitis”.
a disease of the vagina caused by excessive growth of bacteria. Common symptoms include increased vaginal discharge that often smells like fish. The discharge is usually white or gray in color. Burning with urination may occur.
Usually, "good" bacteria (lactobacilli) outnumber "bad" bacteria (anaerobes) in your vagina. But if anaerobic bacteria become too numerous, they upset the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina and lactobacilli decrease.

As we already presented on this page oregano is a well-studied natural antimicrobial that can be utilized to rid the body of excess bacterial and fungal overgrowth.

If symptom observed - properly dilute 3-5 drops of oregano oil into carrier oil of choice, take 3x daily for 4-5 days. 
Preventative - properly dilute 3-5 drops of oregano oil into carrier oil of choice, take once daily or every other day.

Usage and safety



  • This highly concentrated oil is best for the various health conditions as described above.  

  • As with all other essential oils, DO NOT use the oregano oil without dilution in a carrier oil! To avoid irritation of skin or mucous membrane (lips for example),


There's no standard effective dose of oregano essential oil as herbal supplement. Some recommend [REF] to make a mix of around 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of coconut oil (most recommended) or olive oil per a drop of oregano essential oil when applied directly to the skin.


For ingestion use,  1 - 4 Drops per tablespoon (one tablespoon = 15 ml) of a carrier oil (such as coconut or olive oils) would provide the appropriate dilution. A 10 ml glass Measuring Dropping Pipette (with a Rubber Head) is a good kitchen aid to prepare the right mixture of a carrier oil with an essential oil for repeated usage. In case that you want to use a teaspoon, its volume is around 5 ml.

NOTICE! Once you have the diluted mixture ready, take a teaspoon of the mixture once or twice a day. If you feel some burning/stinging feeling on your lips (that touched the teaspoon) and palate, take a tablespoon, deep it in your coconut oil and lick and swallow the oil. You will notice that the annoying feeling is gone away in seconds. 

Notice, a dropper oil drop is about 0.05 milliliter (ml), and a teaspoon is about 5 ml so that 1 - 4 drops per tablespoon translates to a recommended concentration of ~0.75% - 2% of the oregano essential oil in the carrier oil. 

We provide the table below for those who want to prepare larger volumes of oil ready for consumption.

Essential oil dilution chart.png
  • It is recommended to consult with your physician for edible consumption,

  • Do not use it if pregnant or near children under 2 years of age. 

  • Keep out of reach of children. 

  • Some people may be allergic to Cinnamon Oils.

Safety Information
Oregano essential oil, is relatively non-toxic.  Its major ingredient - carvacrol (above 75%)  could be  irritating to the mucous membranes (i.e. lips): so use in moderation, always dilute it with a carrier oil (such as coconut or olive oil) as recommended above. The oil should be used carefully when applied to the skin, causing irritation, reddening, and even a burn to sensitive skin. Therefore, use carefully. Read about the properties and usage of essential oils. Consult with a knowledgeable source for indications and contraindications before use. Keep out of the reach of children.

Legal Disclaimer
Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with qualified health care professionals and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
Members are encouraged to make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals.
Individuals with any sort of medical condition, and in particular pregnant, nursing women, and others who take medications, are encouraged to consult their health care professional before using any product that is mentioned on this website.

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