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    Good health starts with intermittent fasting, reduced carbohydrates diet and workout are next in line for our wellbeing. PREVENTION Page Content: Diet Building Blocks The Importance Of Fasting Diet Macronutrients Body Use of Carbohydrates Fermented Foods Insulin Resistance Avoid Lectins and Gluten Diet - Important notifications Low and High Quality Fat Exercise GYM Practices Overview GYM Recommended Practices THE THREE PILLARS THAT PROLONGED LIFE & SELF-HEALING STAND ON: DIET MICROBIOME EXCERCISE PREVENTION BE IN TOUCH Diet building blocks Diet building blocks: Foods composition - refers to elements such as meats, vegetables..., their content - free from toxins, contain "expected authentic volume" of nutrients - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients, Daily consumption practice - volume, frequency and the mixture of elements that are consumed in a meal. These two building blocks cover a very wide spectrum of issues that are dealt with in hundred of thousands of scientific and professional articles. So how do we find our way and make the right selection of our diet building blocks? In this section we present some of the topics that we consider as the highlights of constructing the right diet practice. Note that this site contains two pages dedicated to the subject of toxins - Risky Foods , and Toxins at Home . The Imaportance of Fasting The Importance of Fasting Fasting or better said INTERMITTENT FASTING, is most recommended by most of the professionals we learn from, and presented as one of the most important elements, dealing with health and longevity. Dr. Gundry, in his book "Unlocking the Keto Code" gives a convincing explanation why. To put it briefly, our mitochondria which are the energy producing elements in our cells (1000-2500 of them in each cell ) have to deal with positively charged particles/molecules, that are in search of electrons to neutralize their positive charge. Given sufficient time, proper "coupling" is achieved. This way, "Mitochondria processes sugars, amino acids (from proteins), and free fatty acids (from dietary fats) into energy" (copied from page 32 of the book), generating CO2 in the process. However, not having enough time for the proper coupling process, the coupling of these positively charged particles, ends up with the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl ions (OH−), which are highly reactive molecules. These ROS particles generate an oxidative stress that if not treated in time, damages the mitochondria and, as a consequence, the cell! By adopting the keto diet and the intermittent fasting - two meals a day, 6 - 8 hours in between the meals, no other foods intake in between the meals, and after the second meal, we give the mitochondria enough time to "clean the house" and avoid the accumulation of the destructive ROS and consequentially, the oxygen stress. Pr. David Sinclair, a professor of genetics and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School, describes in his books and in this video , the effect of intermittent fasting - an increase of 30% and more, of the longevity of various species through the reduction of mTOR and the activation of AMPK enzymes (go to minutes 16:17 to 17:35 of the linked video ). 5.0 1 Ratings average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Ratings Reviews Diet Macronutrients Diet Macronutrients - Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fat Although "the ketogenic diet (KD) has gained immense popularity during the last decade" there are many evidences for the side effects and longevity of this diet when adopted for a prolonged period of time. Generally speaking The Keto dietary macronutrients are divided into approximately 55% to 60% fat, 30% to 35% protein, and 5% to 10% carbohydrates. Specifically, in a 2000 kcal per day diet, carbohydrates amount up to 20 to 50 g per day. In recent years, following numerous studies, this proportion has been changed and the updated recommended proportion is of fat making 30-40% of the calories daily intake and 250 to 300 grams of carbohydrates. Among the findings that promoted this change is the need for carbohydrates to compensate for the depletion in muscle glycogen by 24-40%, in a single strength training session. High-fat diet could cause increased fat oxidation, which is linked to cellular senescence, a process where cells stop dividing, contributing to aging and age-related diseases. The shift from glucose to fat metabolism as proposed by the Keto diet accelerates this process. ROS are byproducts of metabolism that can damage cells. They play a significant role in promoting senescence, in part through changes in gene expression, which can lead to various age-related conditions. Shifting your body’s energy source from glucose to fat can lead to cellular dysfunction and increase your risk of diseases associated with aging. Certain drugs can mimic the effects of increased fat oxidation, thereby exacerbating cellular aging and dysfunction. Strategies to reduce fat oxidation and promote glucose metabolism could help delay aging and improve overall health. Carbs composition should be based on your gut health. Good starter options include whole fruits and well-cooked white rice. If using fruit juice, make sure you sip it slowly over time to avoid excess insulin spikes. If your gut health is good, starches like potatoes and other root vegetables are great options. For those with severely compromised gut health, use dextrose water, sipped slowly over time. This approach helps maintain optimal glucose levels, supporting efficient fat metabolism without overwhelming your digestive system. Another option to follow, is Dr. Gundry Keto diet recommendations, a diet that provides a more "balanced" supply of ketones. In this article , Dr. Gundry explains: "Brain at full ketosis still needs 30 to 40 percent of its fuel as sugar as glucose instead of ketones". So here is his suggested diet as outlined in his book Unlocking The Keto code: Lots of vegetables that contain both prebiotic fiber and polyphenols, used by gut beneficial bacteria to ferment these fiber into Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) compounds which supply about 70% of the energy needed by colon cells and are crucial for maintaining gut barrier integrity. SCFAs protect against colon cancer, support immune function, and help regulate metabolism. Nuts and some seeds like Chia Seeds that are rich with Omega-3, Pressure-cooked lentils and other legumes, Eggs, Some wild fish, shellfish, and mollusks, Omega-3 supplement Body use of carbohydrates : Our digestive system converts carbohydrate elements into glucose, fructose and/or galactose, that are absorbed into the blood in the small intestine. Cells need glucose for energy. However, most of them are unable to use glucose without the help of insulin. Insulin gives glucose access to the cells . It attaches to the insulin receptors on cells throughout the body, instructing the cells to open up and grant entry to glucose. Low levels of insulin constantly circulate throughout the body. A spike in insulin (triggered by high glucose blood level) signals to the liver that blood glucose is also high, and the liver ""responds" by an increase of glucose absorption changing it into storage molecules of lipids and gly cogen . Glycogen and lipids are major storage forms of energy (stored in fat tissues called Adipose) that are tightly regulated by insulin and metabolic signals. Bottom line - to avoid this hyperinsulinemia, daily carbohydrate intake is should not exceed the recommended range of 250-300 grams. Body Use of Carbohydrates Fermented Foods Fermented foods offer numerous health benefits, primarily due to their probiotic content and the fermentation process itself. Here are the key advantages of consuming fermented foods: Digestive Health - Fermented foods contribute beneficial bacteria to the gut, potentially restoring balance and supporting digestive health. They are easier to digest because the fermentation process breaks down natural sugars and starches. This can be particularly beneficial for people with lactose intolerance, as fermentation breaks down lactose in dairy products [1 ],[2 ]. Nutrient Availability - Fermentation improves the availability of nutrients in foods by: 1. Increasing the production of vitamins and minerals 2. Making nutrients more accessible for absorption 3. Removing anti-nutrients like phytic acid, which can inhibit nutrient absorption[1 ][3 ] Immune Function - Probiotics in fermented foods may stimulate proper immune system function and help lower inflammation. This could potentially reduce the risk of inflammation-driven conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer[4 ][3 ]. Gut Microbiome - Consuming fermented foods can increase gut bacteria diversity and potentially lower inflammation markers. The live microbes in these foods can become transient or even permanent members of the gut microbiota, competing against detrimental bacteria [4 ][5 ]. Mental Health [6 ] Fermented foods have the potential to modulate the microbiota-gut-brain axis, offering neuroprotective benefits by influencing gut and brain communication, immune pathways, and nervous system functions Fermented foods contain microbes and molecules with neuroactive potential, which actively influence brain function and mood through the production of microbial metabolites during fermentation Long-term consumption of fermented foods is important for achieving mental health benefits, as they help maintain gut and brain barrier integrity, reduce inflammation, and modulate hormone levels like serotonin and GLP-1 Weight Management and Metabolic Health - Certain fermented foods, particularly fermented dairy products, have been associated with weight management and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes[3 ]. Fermented Foods Insulin Resistance Insulin Resistance Development of insulin resistance is a long process - "our body digests highly processed, high-carbohydrate foods very quickly, which causes our blood sugar to spike. This puts extra stress on our pancreas to produce a lot of insulin, which, over time, can lead to insulin resistance" [ REF1 ] with far reaching health implications [ REF2 ] - diabetes 2 is just one of them. " Metabolic syndrome is associated with insulin resistance, elevated glucose and lipids, inflammation, decreased antioxidant activity, increased weight gain, and increased glycation of proteins. Cinnamon has been shown to improve all of these variables in in vitro, animal, and/or human studies" [REF3 ]. Use 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil diluted in 1/2 table spoon of coconut oil to avoid these glucose / insulin spikes when you eat high glucose / sugar foods. Read more about cognitive decline and insulin resistance, Read more here . Actions to Avoid or Reduce Insulin Resistance Reduce processed foods: Cut back on refined carbohydrates and packaged baked goods. Increase fiber intake: Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Choose healthy fats: Replace saturated and trans fats with healthy fats from sources like olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish. Limit added sugars: Reduce consumption of sweetened beverages and foods with added sugars. Avoid lectins and gluten Avoid Lectins And G luten Ingestion of the lectins, can result in acute GASTRO INTESTINAL (GI) tract distress. According to Dr. Gundry , and others, gluten is just one variety of lectins. Lectins are a type of protein that occurs naturally, mostly in the skin, of many plant foods and some animal-based foods (grains). Some plant foods contain higher levels of lectins than others, such as legumes and nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers). As for the nightshade vegetables, peel their skin, and remove the seeds, to get rid of this toxic substance. Read more [REF1 ] . Lectin's toxicity: Gut epithelial cells (the single cell layer that form the luminal surface (lining) of both the small and large intestine (colon)) are constantly exposed to mechanical and other stresses and consequently individual cells frequently experience plasma membrane disruptions. Repair of these cell surface disruptions allows the wounded cell to survive: failure results in necrotic cell death. Plasma membrane repair is mediated, in part, by an exocytotic event that adds a patch of internal membrane to the defect site. Lectins are known to inhibit exocytosis . This study concludes , "Lectins potently inhibit plasma membrane repair , and hence are toxic to wounded cells. This represents a novel form of protein-based toxicity, one that, we propose, is the basis of plant lectin food poisoning." 5.0 3 Ratings average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 3 votes, Ratings Reviews Diet - Important notifications Low and High quality fats Diet - Important notifications: Many growers of Meat and Fish are feeding their animals/fish with cultured products, hormones, antibiotics and other artificial products that could make their ingestion more destructive than productive. Many are using avocado and other such fruits as a substitute for animal fat in their diet. Use of oils (most recommended - coconut and olive) should also be very selective in terms of being organically certified and cold pressed. Sourcing of eggs should be oriented to free-range sources, again - to limit their exposure to antibiotics and various chemicals that were used for the growing of their food. Taking Care of Your Gut Mic ro biome - Well maintained gut microbiome is essential for our brain, thyroid gland, and many other body organs as well as our autoimmune systems - ( Read more ) WHAT ARE KETONES? - k etones and ketoacids are alternative fuels for the body that are made when glucose is in short supply. They are made in the liver from the breakdown of fats. Ketones are formed when there is not enough sugar or glucose to supply the body's fuel needs. A ketone is a byproduct of fat being burned it's an alternative and preferred fuel source to glucose it's a more efficient fuel for the brain and the heart and it actually better than than glucose for your metabolism. It's triggered by the absence of carbohydrate so when you get rid of the carbohydrates your body then will transfer over and convert to ketones that are a more efficient fuel source. ( Watch more ) Low and High quality fats Low Quality: All the oils extracted from vegetable seeds (vegetable oils) such as: corn oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, sesame oil and more are simply unhealthy. Vegetable oils wreak havoc on the gut by increasing tight junction permeability. Tight junctions play an important role in intestinal barrier function by maintaining selective permeability. Well, unfortunately, "Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are highly susceptible to lipid per oxidation because of their unstable double bonds". In one study , the omega-6 PUFA rich diet increased host inflammation, oxidative stress, and gut barrier dysfunction. The study concludes "Various lipids uniquely alter the host-microbe interaction in the gut. While high-fat consumption has a distinct impact on the gut microbiota, the type of fatty acids alters the relative microbial abundances and predicted functions. These results support that the type of fat are key to understanding the biological effects of high-fat diets on gut health.” To complete the picture you will find Here a comparative table of oxidative stability of various cooking oils. Note! Oils oxidize when overheated. Oxidized oil becomes a detrimental factor to our health . Even healthy, high-quality oils that are warmed, lightened or fried over time will oxidize and completely lose their benefits. High Quality Fats: Oils extracted from fatty fruits such as coconut oil, avocado, and olive oil (cold pressed of course!) are oils whose production process is much more natural for the simple reason that they contain more fat and their fat contains more of the healthy saturated fatty acids as shown in this comparative article. Coconut oil for example is an oil that contains mostly saturated fatty acids that make this oil much more resistant to oxidative damage even when exposed to high heat and therefore this oil is most recommended for use in cooking or frying. The rest of the oils are also recommended but to be used after the cooking or for seasoning of cold dishes. Quality butter ! Yes, if you are not a vegan, even quality butter is an excellent source of quality and healthy fat that will not make you gain weight and by no means cause you heart problems and clogging arteries as you have probably heard before. It is true that we have said before that we strongly recommend avoiding dairy products altogether but quality butter contains mostly, if not only, fat! And contains almost no protein and milk sugar which are the direct source of problems in dairy products and this is exactly the butter you should look for on the shelf if you are looking for another source of quality fat to enrich your diet with fat soluble vitamins that are very important for our health. Nuts and almonds are another excellent source of quality fat but care must be taken that they are organic natural nuts (unroasted). Peel the almond seeds before consuming to avoid the lectins. Also, it is highly recommended to soak them in water for at least 6 hours before eating to remove their phytic acid ( phytic acid interferes with the absorption of important minerals like zinc, iron...). Fatty fruits like avocado and coconut are a wonderful source of quality fat to be eaten almost unlimited! As for the olives, the fat in them is high quality and wonderful but because they are pickled with salt or vinegar we recommend limiting their consumption to a handful or two a day and of course try to find olives that have been pickled in a quality process as much as possible. Excercise EXERCISE Reading the introduction of this study says it all: "Findings from numerous epidemiological studies clearly demonstrate that physical inactivity is associated with a higher prevalence of most cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, including abnormal lipids, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes [REF1 ]. Additionally, physical inactivity is linked with increased risk of certain forms of cancers, poor psychological health, and an overall diminished quality of life [REF2 ]. Moreover, research findings also exhibit a robust inverse relationship between physical activity levels and risk of mortality from CVD and all-causes. Last, it has been estimated that physical inactivity contributes annually to approximately 250,000 premature deaths [REF3 ]. However, despite its widespread benefits, engagement in physical activities or exercise remains scarce, primarily reported to be due to a ‘lack of time’ [REF4 ]." "PE (Physical Exercise) determines positive biological and psychological effects that affect the brain and the cognitive functioning and promote a condition of wellbeing. PE plays an important role in counteract normal and pathological aging. Recent evidences have shown that PE triggers potent neuroplastic phenomena, partly mediated by epigenetic mechanisms. In fact, PE cause profound alterations in gene expression and its protein products in the form of epigenomic manifestations (Fernandes et al., 2017 )" GYM Practices Overview Over the past decade, the concept of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has captivated the attention of the scientific community due to its superior ability to improve cardiorespiratory fitness [REF5 ] and cardiometabolic health [REF6 ,REF7 ,REF8 ] for a lesser weekly time-commitment relative to the current exercise guidelines [REF2 ] of Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training (MICT). HIIT involves multiple (~4–10 repetitions) brief bouts (20 s–5 min) of high-intensity exercise (80%–100% peak heart rate (HRpeak)), interspersed with either rest or low-intensity workloads throughout an exercise session. Another prominent form of interval training is known as sprint interval training (SIT), which is characterized by repeated (6–10 bouts) 20–30 s all-out supramaximal sprints (>100% VO2max). This strategy enables unfit individuals to accumulate periods of vigorous to high-intensity exercise that would otherwise not be possible if executed continuously. Note, recent meta analysis study concludes that "undertaking any amount of resistance training reduced the risk of all-cause mortality by 15%". However, "A maximum risk reduction of 27% was observed at around 60 minutes per week of resistance training (RR=0.74; 95% CI=0.64, 0.86). Mortality risk reductions diminished at higher volumes ". Given the above note, the drawback of the protocols employed in the majority of previous HIIT/SIT studies [REF9 ] is that they were not actually time-efficient, with most HIIT/SIT protocols requiring a time commitment (~120 min/week). Furthermore, that is similar to the current recommended exercise guideline of 150 min per week of MICT. Moreover, it has also been suggested that the potential for a negative perceptual response to high-intensity exercise heightens with increasing repetition [REF10 ]. Thus, for HIIT or SIT to be a feasible option to improve public health, it must be time-efficient by specifically reducing the number of bouts (intervals) performed at vigorous to high-intensity exercise. Recent research has demonstrated that a modified version of SIT known as Reduced Exertion High Intensity Training (REHIT ), characterized by minimal sprint durations and repetitions (2 × 20 s sprints), elicits substantial cardiometabolic health benefits (i.e., CRF and glycemic control improvements) in a more time-efficient fashion relative to traditional HIIT [REF11 ,REF12 ]. However, despite the reduced exercise volume evident in this REHIT protocol, its safety still remains questionable given its ‘all-out’ nature. It has therefore recently been suggested that additional future research is warranted to identify safe and effective REHIT protocols [REF9 ]. It also remains unknown how effectively the REHIT paradigm can be translated to a real-world workplace setting. Conclusions There is a wealth of existing research reporting that regular exercise training confers positive effects on CardioRespiratory Fitness (CRF) and numerous other cardiometabolic outcomes related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Accordingly, substantial public health efforts have been aimed at promoting and increasing levels of physical activity. The finding of this study and others proved that Reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training (REHIT) is safe and more potent, time-efficient improvements in CRF and cardiometabolic health when compared to traditional Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training (MICT). Given that a ‘lack of time’ is the most often cited reason for not exercising regularly, this study provides critical evidence for ‘how’ to implement and translate the SIT paradigm into a real-world workplace setting. GYM Recommended Practices The REHIT model as described above provides a single concept of the intense (sprint) 20 sec. exercise targeting cardiometabolic health benefits. This practice and its benefits are presented here, to “prove” that there is no “excuse” not to spend the minimal weekly time required for basic health maintenance practice. GYM exercises are “a world in itself” that is not in the focus of this website. Try Trampoline Exercise , we thought to bring to your attention one important practice, Plyometric jump training (PJT) that is an extremely time efficient and powerful contributor to cardiovascular health metabolism, bone density, strength, muscle tone, balance and coordination as measured by the Reactive Strength Index (RSI), which is meaningfully associated with independent markers of athletic (e.g., linear sprint speed) and neuromuscular performance. This 2023 META ANALYSIS (examination of data from a number of independent studies of the same subject, in order to determine overall trends) concludes that PJT effects on the RSI were greater compared with active/specific-active controls, including traditional sport-specific training as well as alternative training interventions (e.g., high-load slow-speed resistance training). Plyometrics exercise offers less effect on joints than other versions of the training. Due to its low-impact on sensitive joints like knees and ankles, trampolines are actually preferred for people with joint pain or surgery rehabilitation. Last but not least, "Without daily exercise, metabolic waste products, toxins, and chemical toxicants can’t move out of your body. Daily exercise will restore balance in your body and your nervous system and connect you to nature and its energetic rhythms and electromagnetic fields. That’s the reason why Regenerate Rx posits that strenuous activity of at least 30 minutes every other day is essential to promoting radical resilience." 5.0 2 Ratings average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 2 votes, Ratings Reviews GYM Practices Overview GYM Recommended Practices


    Aloe gel has been used for centuries for hair growth and recovery. Here we offer a most powerful lotion that has been proved by both scientific studies and practitioners. hair growth Page Content: Triggers for Hair Loss Androgenetic Alopecia How to use citrus peels Collagen and Hair Loss Collagen "Foods" for Hair growth Hormones and Endocrine Disorders Home Made Shampoos Aloe Vera Treatment for Hair loss Aloe Vera Recipe For Topical Application Aloe gel extraction for hair growth Triggers for Hair Loss Given the "popularity" of this subject, there are numerous scientific studies that tried to identify the causes behind hair loss. From an intense review of many of these studies we come to the conclusion - that as with many other health issues, lifestyle, diet and exposure to toxins (read more here ) play a major role in triggering the hair loss process. This 2018 review "A broad literature search of PubMed and Google Scholar", about the relationship between vitamins, minerals, and hair loss, brings one "conclusive" element that has a clear impact on hair loss "Several studies showed an association between AA and low vitamin D levels (AA = Alopecia Areata - hair loss caused by immune system attack of hair follicles) . Correction of vitamin D deficiency improves AA outcome and enhances response to treatment ". Consequentially , our first recommendation is "use daily vitamin D supplement - 5000-10,000 IU capsules" to slow or stop hair loss! Androgenetic Alopecia "Androgenetic alopecia is a genetically predetermined disorder due to an excessive response to androgens. This condition affects up to 50 percent of males and females and is characterized by progressive loss of terminal hair of the scalp any time after puberty". Male Androgenetic Alopecia - "The cytochrome p450 alpha aromatase enzyme has also been found to contribute to androgenetic alopecia. Aromatase diminishes intra-follicular testosterone by catalyzing the conversion of testosterone to estradiol. Differences exist in the expression of aromatase in balding and non-balding scalp (54 )". In conclusion, using effective aromatase inhibitors could make a big difference as substentiated by this study (and many others): "Aromatase inhibitors effectively delay epiphysial maturation in boys and improve testosterone levels in adult men". As shown in this study (and many others) there is one herbal product that has been proved to be most effective for aromatase reduction - CITRUS PEELS! How to use citrus peels Dr. Berg's short recipe introduction: "In addition to losing weight with Healthy Keto®, reducing insulin, and consuming cruciferous vegetables, you can try a fantastic natural remedy for an enlarged prostate that involves citrus peel". Dr. Berg's recipe: "Add a whole lemon and a glass of water to a blender, and blend it for about 30 seconds. Then, blend again with about five to ten drops of liquid stevia or 1/2 to 1 cup of blueberries. You can have this at any time of day—enjoy!" Our Recipe : When you eat any citrus fruit (organic of course) - save the peels. Cut the peels to small pieces and store them in the freezer. When you accumulate some 10-15 ounces, defrost the peels with a small amount of water, and grind them in the blender for about 15 seconds, to make a fine pulp. Put it in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator. Add this pulp to any tasty food that you eat, be it sweet or salty, so that you ingest 2 to 3 tablespoons a day. Expect to notice the improvement in a matter of a few weeks. Collagen and Hair Loss This study found "That stem cell aging results from proteolysis (the breakdown of proteins or peptides into amino acids) of type XVII response to DNA damage in HFSCs (Hair Follicle Stem Cells) and the commitment of stem cells to epidermal differentiation... leading to stepwise miniaturization and loss of hair follicles". In simple words, collagen loss contributes to the hair loss process! Collagen "Foods" for Hair growth "Only marine collagen peptides have been researched as a hair growth stimulant, and these have only been assessed in animals, not humans [3 ]. So if you’re planning to try collagen for hair, it’s a good idea to start with these — but be mindful that they’re not a proven hair growth treatment". Gelatin is very rich collagen source for collagen so you may want to try this source for hair growth, but note the limited scientific proofs for the effectiveness of this hair growth stimulant. This study concludes : "Type I procollagen immunostaining was substantially increased throughout the dermis in both groups", following the supplementation of aloe vera gel for 90 days taken by participants - thirty healthy female subjects over the age of 45 (low-dose: 1,200 mg/d, high-dose: 3,600 mg/d). Again, in simple words, Aloe Vera gel makes a significant "contribution" to body's collagen production! Still, this is NOT a conclusive evidence that aloe vera gel is the right formula for hair growth! The aloe vera recipes we present below represent a summery of practices collected from the web but are not backed by scientific studies that could substantiate their effectiveness . Hormones and Endocrine Disorders Hair growth, cycling, and density can all be affected by endocrine disorders. This article provides a wide array of hormones that affect hair growth among men and women. Without getting into all the confusing details, it concludes "The hair cycle and hair follicle structure are greatly impacted by various hormones. Hair changes are prevalent in endocrine illnesses and might be the first indicator of underlying hidden endocrinopathy". Bottom-line , learn more on this page about practices that could help to avoid endocrine system disruptions. Home Made Shampoos Given the simplicity and effectiveness of the home made shampoo alternatives we prefer to present here our recommended alternatives without getting into the complexities of the chemicals used and their impact on the hair, the scalp and the environment. The natural, home made alternatives can clean and nourish hair without the exposure to chemicals and striping the scalp and hair from their natural oil. Baking soda (also known scientifically as sodium bicarbonate) is known to be an exfoliating ingredient. Scalp and hair pH are slightly acidic, with the pH of the scalp being 5.5 and the hair shaft sitting at about 3.7. Baking soda is alkaline (pH = 8). To restore the scalp and hair acidity, u se 5%, organic, apple cider vinegar (ACV) to balance your scalps pH levels as explained below: Use 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix it with water until it forms a paste. Wet your hair and scalp and apply it to your scalp and down the length of your wet hair. You can let it sit anywhere from one to three minutes and then rinse clean. Mix between 2 and 4 tablespoons of ACV with 16 ounces of cool water. Tip the head back and pour the mixture over the entire scalp, making sure that the mixture will not come in touch with the eyes. M assage your scalp and let it soak in for 1 to 2 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly. Aloe Vera Treatment for Hair loss The web offers numerous aloe vera "based" hair recovery and growth recipes. We have studied many of those recipes, their preparation and dosage, to bring you the ones that are "substantiated" by trustworthy tradition and contemporary testimonials along with scientific studies that verify their effectiveness. We also looked for aloe gel extraction methods that are simple and their preparation does the least of damage to the aloe's beneficial ingredients (and the beneficial ingredients of the other formula components). Some health oriented sites praise aloe vera and Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). The following citation is for those who are not aware of the ACV benefits to hair growth: "Every hair has its own oil can. Bottle bacilli can clog these tiny openings. Scales and small dry crusts are formed, resulting in itching and dandruff. The oil-starved hairs either fall out or break off, causing hair thinning and baldness. ACV not only kills bottle bacillus but stimulates the oil cans for healthier activity." ( Read more on ACV and its merits in this paper - page 25 .) The recipe preparation instructions preserve the best of its beneficial ingredients, and its preparation is simple and quick. Important notification! Avoid recipes that their preparation recommends to warm the aloe ingredient. Many recipes recommend heating the mixture that includes the aloe with or without other ingredients, such as oil/s in a pan or in a pot. They do not explain why but scientific studies (read more [ REF ], [ REF ]) show that three of the most beneficial ingredients in the aloe plant - Enzymes, "long" Polysaccharides chains ( made up of tho usands of molecule "beads" ) and Vitamins, are rapidly destroyed when heated to temperatures above 140° F (60° C). Bottom line, avoid heating the recipe if you want to preserve the benefits of the aloe ingredients! Back to aloe hair growth testimonials, Indian, Mexican, Brazilian and many other traditions are rich with aloe vera based recipes that were developed over centuries, all promising renewed hair growth in a matter of a few weeks. Same for Youtube and other social media platforms - all are rich with videos, some with more than 30 million views, claiming quick hair growth recovery. Sorry to say, but it takes months, sometimes 6 and sometimes even longer, to see renewed hair growth, but for many - it is going to work! Hair Loss Triggers Hormones and Endocrine Disorders Androgenetic Alopecia How to use citrus peels Anchor 1 Collagen and Hair Loss Collagen "Foods" for Hair growth Aloe Vera Treatment for Hair loss Home Made Shampoos Aloe Vera Recipe For Topical Application Aloe Vera Recipe For Topical Application This recipe adds four ingredients to the aloe gel, each of which with scientifically proven properties for hair growth recovery: Lavender essential oil is added following a study on its effect on hair growth with mice, and the recomme ndation of other " experts " for it's use. Epsom salt - food grade (magnesium sulfate) is added for its magnesium and sulfur content replacing onion and its sulfur content and the numerous testimonials for the purple onion and its sulfur content contribution to hair growth. Popularity and numerous testimonials are the reasoning behind our recommendation for the apple cider vinegar. Jojoba oil - "Its properties as a liquid wax allow the dissolution of sebum deposits within hair follicles due to an ability to penetrate the follicles and remove the comedome, thus clearing the skin". DMSO - food grade (99.9% pure) is recommended as penetration enhancer in topical pharmaceutical formulations [ REF ]. Note: Many videos ( this one for example ) that recommend homemade aloe hair growth recipes, refer to the "inner gel" extracted from the fresh aloe leaves (see image below). In the context of our hair growth recipe FOR TOPICAL APPLICATION, we refer to the gel that is scraped from the leaf including the latex layer that contains the aloin! The aloin is not toxic and contains most of the antioxidants found in the aloe leaf. Antioxidants help improve hair growth in several ways: Increase blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring hair follicles receive adequate nutrients. They create an optimal environment for hair follicles by reducing oxidative stress Research has shown that antioxidants in hair products can reduce shedding and increase fullness in people with thinning hair. Quick and simple preparation using a blender to grind the ingredients (with undesired oxidation of some highly beneficial ingredients): Put the ingredients - aloe gel or the slim leaf section, lavender essential oil, DMSO and the optional apple cider vinegar (to provide the aloe some protection against oxidation). Activate the blending. Avoid prolonged and/or high-speed grinding, to minimize enzymes oxidation (read more ). When done, continue by screening the mixture. Pour the mixture from the blender into a small bowl on which you lay a fine Mesh Food Stainless Steel Strainer or a dense mesh fabric like the one shown in the picture below (a chiffon fabric is another good option) and squeeze the "liquid" out into the bowl (see pictures below). Aloe gel extraction for hair growth HAIR GROWTH RECIPE - Aloe with epsom (or onion) , DMSO and "optional" Apple Cider Vinegar and Lavender - our most recommended recipe : Ingredients: Note - a tablespoon (tbsp) is about 15 grams (or ml). If you want to use a digital kitchen scale of some sort, or change the formula "total output", use this conversion weight replacing the tbsp count, and just make sure to keep the recipe ingredients ratios as specified below: 3-4 tbsp of aloe vera gel scraped extract (see " Aloe gel extraction for hair growth" below ), 1 teaspoon of epsom food grade salt, or preferably - onion juice 2 teaspoons of high quality - food grade (99.9% pure) liquid DMSO , 10 drops of jojoba oil 6-8 drops of lavender essential oil (optional), 1 tbsp of organic Apple Cider Vinegar (optional). Aloe gel extraction for hair growth: Cut off the tip of the leaf and remove the thorns by cutting narrow strips from the sides of the section. Cut and separate between the upper and lower sides of the section. Use a serrated kitchen knife to scrape the gel from the skins, laying the skin on the cutting board and scraping from the center of the skin (of the skin's length axis) to one "end" and then to the other. Pour the scraped gel from the cutting board into a small bowel, add the other ingredients of the recipe. Use a low speed mixer to homogenize the mix and when ready, pour into a small jar with a cap, and keep it refrigerated for up to a week. For longer periods, store the blend in your freezer. 5.0 1 Reviews average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Reviews Reviews Application: Before application, massage the areas of the scalp where you want to apply the lotion with a warm wet towel for about 2-4 min. Mixture stored in a jar: Before use, shake well the jar. Split the hair and apply the mixture by pouring a little bit from the jar into a small bowl, wet your fingers in the mixture, and apply to your scalp. To use it as a hair mask, just rub the hair "against" your (mixture) wet scalp. For long hair, divide the hair into sections, and b egin the application at mid-shaft, working toward the ends, and then continue with the application to the scalp as described above. Then wrap a towel around your head. This helps protect the mask from dripping, but it also helps keep your hair from drying out. Warming up the towel may help the mask have even more of a moisturizing effect. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes. You can leave it on for up to an hour for extra conditioning. Repeat this application process twice a week. Application of the mixture in a spray bottle: Before use, shake well the bottle, split the hair to let the spray reach the roots of the hair, and massage the scalp. When done, wrap the hair with a plastic hat or even a plastic wrap like "cling wrap" (for many it's "Saran" wrap) and the like. Wait for 2-4 hours and shampoo the hair (the longer the better, but 30 min. is a minimum). Rinse the mask out of your hair. Note: Some users leave the mask without rinsing for a prolonged period of time. Remove the hat or the cling wrap, rub the hair with a piece of paper or warm wet towel to remove the oil (and the oily look) from the hair, and let the mask "do its job". Repeat this application process twice a week. For a video, watch: "The Indian secret, 🌿 to grow hair at a rocket speed and treat baldness from the first week " . Pour the liquid into a small spray bottle, and keep it refrigerated or freeze some of it, depending on the amount of liquid that is used for each treatment. Use the freezer to avoid more than a week's time refrigerated storage. Spray Bottle Small Bowl


    Rice and Arsenic Page Content: Background How Does Arsenic Get to Rice? Arsenic Contamination in Rice Reducing Arsenic in Rice Watch Other Rice Based Foods Summary, conclusions and recommendations Related Linked Pages: Lectin, Gluten, Phytic Acid, Emulsifiers Glyphosate Back to Prevention Back to Risky Foods... Background Background To answer the question we have to start with arsenic, the toxin element that rice is prone to contain! Arsenic is a heavy metal, very toxic to the human body. There are two types of arsenic: organic arsenic - Arsenic associated with carbon, is mainly assimilated in plants and animals. Inorganic arsenic - found in rocks, in the soil in certain areas, and in some “regions” of the globe - dissolved in water and in drinking water. This is the more dangerous arsenic that causes most of the health damage. It has been known for several years that rice has a tendency to absorb and concentrate arsenic. The main dietary sources through which we may be exposed to arsenic: Contaminated drinking water - in certain areas of the world (mainly South America and Asia) Drinking water is contaminated with non-organic arsenic, which is the most dangerous. Food from the sea - fish and seafood contain significant amounts of arsenic, but it is mostly organic arsenic which is much less toxic. There are some exceptions like oysters and specific types of algae that concentrate inorganic arsenic. Chicken meat - the poultry industry uses growth catalysts and drugs containing non-organic arsenic. The authorities in most countries of the world allow the use of these drugs. Therefore, even conventional poultry could be a significant source of non-organic arsenic. Rice and rice products - it turns out that of all the land crops, rice has a tendency to absorb arsenic from the soil and drinking water, much more than any other crop, most of it non-organic arsenic, which is more dangerous. Wheat, quinoa, buckwheat and all types of vegetables that will grow in the same soil, will not concentrate large amounts of arsenic like the rice. How Does Arsenic Get to Rice? Arsenic Contamination in Rice The degree of contamination of arsenic in rice depends on the area where the rice is grown (whether the soil contains a little or a lot of arsenic) and the water used (water contaminated with arsenic or not). This 2008 study found a “global “normal” range of 0.08−0.20 mg per kg. At the higher range, this result is equivalent to 200 micrograms of arsenic in 1 kg of Rice. (1 milligram = 1000 micrograms). Suppose we ate only 100 grams of rice. (100 grams of dry rice will weigh close to 300 grams after cooking. 300 grams of cooked rice is about 2 cups of rice - a reasonable and average portion. Vegetarians who do not eat a portion of meat or another main dish at a meal, often eating more than that at a meal.) If 1 kg of rice contains 200 micrograms of arsenic, then in a portion of rice prepared from 100 grams of dry rice, there are 20 micrograms of arsenic. Let's say a 6-year-old child, weighing 20 kg, ate this portion for lunch (2 cups of cooked rice), he received 3 times the maximum allowed daily amount of arsenic, above which it was found that there is an increase in the risk of malignant diseases. (For those interested, here is the calculation - a child weighing 20 kg, multiplied by 0.3, which is the level from which it is found in studies that there is an increase in risk, gives 6 micrograms of arsenic. In a portion of 100 grams of rice, as we saw in the example, there are 20 micrograms of arsenic, that is, 3 times the level that he is allowed to be exposed to in a day). If a girl or a woman weighing 50 kg, ate this portion of cooked rice (prepared from 100 grams of dry rice), then in that portion of rice she received 1.5 times the "safe" daily amount of arsenic and if a man weighing 70 kg, ate 100 grams of rice, he received from that portion the “allowed” arsenic daily amount. We put "safe" in quotation marks because the review by the European Food Safety Authority examined only the exposure from which there is an increase in the risk of malignant diseases. It is certainly possible that even at lower doses of arsenic there is an increase in the risk of heart disease, diabetes or damage to the fetus. We do not have reliable and accurate information on this subject. How Does Arsenic Get into Rice? Today, the land and water in large parts of the earth are contaminated with large amounts of non-organic arsenic due to human activity. The main sources that pollute the earth with arsenic are the use of pesticides (some of which contain arsenic), chemical fertilizers for agriculture , preservatives for the wood industry (some of which contain arsenic), industrial waste, mining activity, electricity generation using coal (this is also the main source of mercury in the atmosphere today and in our water sources) and refineries. Why exactly does rice accumulate arsenic? Rice is the most problematic of all because rice is grown by flooding the rice fields with very large amounts of water. No other crop is grown using such large amounts of water. If this water contains arsenic, the rice will be exposed to arsenic far more than any other crop from the water itself, and the soil that nourishes it. Note that exposure to arsenic in food does not cause any symptoms or immediate medical problems. Even occasional random exposure to food containing a large amount of arsenic will not cause any harm. The problem is chronic exposure with high frequency for many years (and we eat quite a lot of rice and rice products...). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA ) published a comprehensive review on the toxic effects of exposure to arsenic in food and summarized all the scientific data known to science up to that moment. After analyzing many dozens of studies , the researchers write that even with an exposure of 0.3 micrograms of arsenic per kilogram of body weight per day, there is an increase in the risk of skin cancer, lung cancer and bladder cancer. Already from this figure, you understand that children are in the greatest risk group, due to their low body weight. We note that the standard of the World Health Organization (WHO) allows exposure of up to 2.1 micrograms of arsenic per kg of body weight per day. But this is an old standard. After the comprehensive review of the European Food Safety Authority from 2009, the standard that is correct to refer to is the findings of this comprehensive review (exposure of more than 0.3 micrograms of arsenic per kg of body weight already increases the risk). WHO (World Health Organization) concludes that “Long-term exposure to arsenic from drinking-water and food can cause cancer and skin lesions. It has also been associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Early childhood exposure has been linked to negative impacts on cognitive development and increased deaths in young adults.7 Dec 2022” Arsenic Contamination in Rice Reducing Arsenic in Rice Use tested for arsenic rice - Read more Choice of rice variety. From reading studies on the subject done in different countries, it became clear to us that the aromatic rice varieties ( such as basmati rice and jasmine rice ) have a reduced tendency to concentrate Arsen. A lot of water. According to studies, thoroughly washing the rice before cooking can remove 10-28% of the amount of arsenic in the rice (some of the arsenic is from rice grains that have been crushed or were broken and scattered as powder on the rest of the rice grains. Thorough washing will remove this powder and significantly reduce the amount of arsenic. [REF , REF ] This study found that washing rice reduced the amount of arsenic only in basmati rice and not in other rice varieties, so here is another reason why basmati rice should be preferred [REF ]. Not only does it contain lower levels of arsenic to begin with, its washing is also more beneficial than washing other rice varieties. Cooking the rice in a large amount of water can also significantly reduce the amount of arsenic in the rice. It is advisable to cook the rice in water that has undergone quality filtration, such as reverse osmosis. The usual cooking method for rice is 2 - 2.5 cups of water for each cup of rice. The correct and healthy way to cook rice is with a much larger amount of water. About 6 cups of water for every cup of rice and at the end of cooking, pour the remaining water. The studies found that this cooking method can remove together with washing the rice about 57% of the amount of arsenic! [REF ] About half of the amount of arsenic would come out with the water left in the pot and spilled at the end of cooking. The following study found that normal cooking with a ratio of 2 cups of water per cup of rice did not reduce the arsenic level while cooking with a ratio of 6 cups of water reduced the arsenic level by 35-45%! [REF ] This means that while cooking at a temperature of 100 degrees, the rice also knows how to emit arsenic into the water! (but only if there is a lot of water). Of Course cooking in water contaminated with arsenic increases the amount of arsenic in the rice portion. According to the studies, the rice also knows how to absorb arsenic from the water, while cooking! [REF ] That is why it is critical to cook with high-quality filtered water. Watch Other Rice Based Foods Nowadays, we are exposed to rice not only when we eat a portion of cooked rice. Below is a list of other foods that contain rice and of which you should be careful: rice crispies and rice snacks for babies Rice breakfast cereal - rice based syrup - used to sweeten as a substitute for fructose-rich thyroid syrup or other sweeteners. May be found in any industrial product [52] Rice flour (as a product by itself or as an ingredient in products, and in gluten-free pastries) Rice noodles, rice papers for rolling a rice drink (milk substitute) Summary, conclusions and recommendations The diversity of the diet - for people who usually eat a lot of rice, it is definitely worth diversifying their diet and instead of rice, also eat buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, millet and more. A varied diet will ensure not only the reduction of exposure to one or another poison, but also the supply of a variety of essential substances for health. The type of rice - learn what variety of rice among the rice varieties available to you, is the variety that absorbs the least arsenic. Basmati rice looks like a good start, with the advantage that its glycemic value (the rate of increase in blood sugar after eating any food) is low compared to jasmine rice or other varieties of rice. Washing - be sure to wash the rice well before cooking it with plenty of water. Cook the rice with a lot of water. About 6 cups of water for every cup of rice. This method will significantly reduce the amount of arsenic in your rice. The familiar cooking method - two cups of water for every cup of rice does not reduce the amount of arsenic in the rice! Regarding whole or white rice - we must tell the truth. At least with regard to the basmati rice, which is the cleanest variety, whole rice contains tens of percents higher arsenic level above white rice. We recommend avoiding eating rice crispies. Many people eat rice crispies on a daily basis, as a substitute for bread. The studies show as mentioned that rice is polluting and eating rice products should be avoided on a daily basis. In particular, whole rice crackers should be avoided. Avoid giving babies products based on rice. Prefer buckwheat porridge, homemade almond milk, etc. Avoid rice milk. Prefer to prepare homemade almond milk, or at least soy milk (organic, non-genetically modified and without added sugar). 5.0 1 Ratings average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Ratings Reviews Watch Other Rice Based Foods Reducing Arsenic in Rice Summary, conclusions and recommendations


    Glyphosate Page Content: Background Glyphosate Be Aware Actions to Avoid Exposure to Herbicides Related Linked Pages: Lectin, Gluten and Phytic Acid Rice and Arsenic Back to Risky Foods... Back to Prevention Background There are many toxins that may reach our plate, the kindergarten and the backyard. Here we will focus on the most obvious and blatant of them all: the common herbicides. Background Herbicides contain highly toxic active ingredients whose toxicity has been studied for years. The most well-known active ingredient, almost a star, is glyphosate and its salts, which are also found in many pesticides. The most well-known of these herbicides is Roundup - a brand name of a systemic, broad-spectrum glyphosate-based herbicide originally produced by Monsanto. Glyphosate So we focus here on glyphosate , but, to the best of our knowledge, all herbicides are toxic and contain, in addition to the active ingredient, toxic surfactants and other substances. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization) officially announced “The herbicide glyphosate and the insecticides malathion and diazinon were classified as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A)." It turns out that glyphosate is linked to the development of non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and one study even found that there was an increase in markers for DNA damage among residents of a residential neighborhood where the substance was sprayed, that is, an immediate reaction upon exposure to the substance. Many other health issues have been linked to glyphosate exposure including disruption of critical enzymatic processes, harming the production of important neurotransmitters for the brain, autism , celiac disease, gluten intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome and severe damage to the intestinal flora, hormonal disruptions, and many other diseases [Read more ],. Dr. Steffanie Seneff (PHD), who has been researching for three decades the connection between the increase in the use of glyphosate and the increase in autism rates among children in the US and China has found a direct connection between the rates of autism that are rising at an alarming rate in the United States and the increase in the scope of children's exposure to glyphosate. As soon as it was declared to be a carcinogenic substance, glyphosate was outlawed in leading European countries (Germany, the Netherlands) which immediately called for a blanket ban by the European Union on the use of the substance. Glyphosate is not volatile, is very soluble in water and has an excellent ability to bind to the soil. It can remain in the soil for a considerable period of time (half-life varies between 30 - 100 days) where it undergoes slow decomposition by microorganisms in the soil, and in water even slower due to a significantly lower concentration of microorganisms. The material is stated toxic to humans, and also found to be highly toxic for aquatic plants, and for marine creatures . Exposure to this herbicide is primarily through: Direct spraying on vegetation near our home / the kindergarten / the playground / the sides of roads and sidewalks / agricultural fields Respiratory exposure - during the spraying itself, a spray is carried in the air that is very easy to sense its presence due to its chemical aroma. So that immediately during the spraying and immediately after it there can be respiratory exposure to anyone passing by (and of course to the gardener spraying himself). Eating genetically modified food - a much more difficult and disturbing way of exposure! It turns out that in many crops, including soybeans, soya, wheat, corn and many many more (including non-edible crops such as cotton, etc.), they found a brilliant way to get rid of unwanted vegetation without harming the crops, using seeds with injected genes resistance to glyphosate, growers can spray the crops (and the growing ground) eliminating the weeds, and getting weeds “clean” crops growth. By doing so the crops become saturated with glyphosate in all their tissues, also transfer it to the fruits and seeds - and from there to our plate! And so a path of exposure through ingestion opens up to us, which is probably the main factor behind the increase in the rates of serious diseases, autism, and possibly even cancer . Be Aware! As spring time arrives, many plants start to wake up and grow at a fast pace in order to have time to set seeds before the arrival of the dry summer. Many of these plants are medicinal or edible. They grow in fields and open areas, but also on the sides of sidewalks and roads, and practically anywhere possible. For the most part, these valuable plants are seen as "weeds" and almost as quickly as they grew, people wearing spray cans appear everywhere on the paths, in the gardens, even kindergartens, and in the public areas, spraying chemical substances on the plants and the soil in order to prevent the unwanted growth of the plants of the season. There is no malice here, as this automatic act is done in order to destroy potential hiding places for dangerous snakes and insects (so it is claimed). But there is not too much thinking outside of the concept here, and certainly there is no awareness of the great risk that these substances pose - both to the sprayers and to the public exposed to these areas. Note! It turns out that some authorities send gardeners to urban kindergartens who arrive without prior notice or coordination, with master keys to the kindergartens. They exterminate the weeds in the garden without any hindrance, sometimes without the knowledge of the gardener and certainly without the knowledge of the parents, sometimes right during activities in the garden! Actions to Avoid Exposure to Herbicides Start consuming organic crops! Look for the non GMO label confirming that this is a natural product or check with the manufacturer if this label is missing (yes, call the customer service centers!). In the home garden - do not spray! In the kindergarten - talk to the gardeners, to avoid spaying! Also Make sure that kindergarteners do not arrive without the presence of the kindergarten teacher If you have already sprayed - ask the gardeners what substance they used and look for details on the net about the active substance. Spread a generous layer of live compost over the sprayed area (if you don't have it at home and you buy it, make sure it's not sterilized but live) in order to enrich the poisoned soil with microorganisms that will accelerate the decomposition. Water generously to help the compost percolate and to keep the toxic material away from near the surface. Actions to Avoid Exposure to Herbicides Be Aware Glyphosate


    Heart health and the contribution of the microbiome and diet to its maintanence. Info on heart health with respect to collesterol and statins. Risky Foods Page Content: Food Contaminates Chemical Contaminates Our Exposure to Environmental Chemicals The Real Danger to Health The Build-up of Toxins Certified "ORGANIC" Foods and Heavy Metals Body Interaction with Heavy Metals Transgenerational Toxicity Transfer Related Linked Pages: Rice and Arsenic Glyphosate Back to Prevention Lectin, Gluten, Phytic Acid, Emulsifiers Chemical Contaminates Food Contaminates The Build-up of Toxins The Real Danger to Health Our Exposure to Environmental Chemicals Chemical Contaminates Poisonous forms of toxic compounds - pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, copper, tin, tungsten, chromium, beryllium, and other elements are increasingly found in our post-industrial environment. As industry expanded in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, toxic heavy metals were mined, smelted, and added to any number of products that released those metals directly into the environment. Leaded gasoline, for example, released lead directly into the air with every stroke of the combustion engine. Mercury fillings resulted in thousands of tons of mercury being expelled into the atmosphere as the bodies of those who passed away were cremated. Lead arsenate was also widely used as a pesticide on orchards and food crops across North America for much of the nineteenth century. Once expelled into the open environment, heavy metals may be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed into humans, animals, plants, and fungi, or they may be transformed and combined with other substances to create new compounds but they cannot simply vanish. They persist. It is the industrial exploitation and expelling of these elements—which were originally sparse and spread out at relatively low levels—that has turned vague primordial threats into everyday dangers. As by-products of smelting, ore extraction, energy production, and commercial goods, heavy metals and refined chemical compounds have poured into our air, water, soils, foods, ecosystems, and bodies. Our Exposure to Environmental Chemicals In September 2013, the CDC issued its updated fourt h National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, detailing more than 201 chemical substances that have been identified in blood serum and urine levels throughout the U.S. population. These can be ingested, absorbed, stored, excreted, metabolized, or bound to other compounds, potentially interacting with, blocking, or amplifying reactions within the body. While many elements, including trace levels of certain minerals, are essential nutrients for catalytic conversions and biological functions, alarming concentrations of toxic forms of these elements have found their way into our lives at a pace that’s wildly out of balance with nature and hazardous to our health and longevity. The Real Danger to Health The real danger to health comes from long-term exposure to low-level doses of toxins over time, including heavy metals. A few dozen key contaminants may be taking a crucial but yet uncalculated toll on the well-being of everyone around the world - with increased levels of toxins in everyday foods contributing to a general rise in inflammation, immunological and digestive disorders, neurological damage, organ failure, heart and lung ailments, cancer, and other serious diseases and conditions. The Build-up of Toxins Science now recognizes that these detrimental health effects are triggered by gradually accumulating, minuscule concentrations of toxins through repeated dietary or environmental exposure. The tidal wash of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, fertilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers, and additives across the agricultural practices of the entire Western world - and increasingly the developing world - has contributed to the introduction of known toxins into the environment at apocalyptic levels. They interact with and are absorbed by soils, bodies of water, vegetation, fish, and wildlife. They are absorbed and integrated into plant and animal tissues. As humans, we breathe in these compounds, eat them, drink them, and accumulate them in our bodies. We also excrete them, or their metabolized by-products, back into the environment, furthering the cycle of death and destruction brought on by these toxins. While further research is needed to expand our understanding of exactly how these toxins interact to produce disease and death, there is little debate about the importance of limiting environmental and dietary exposure to these toxins in the first place. Certified "ORGANIC" Foods and Heavy Metals Body Interaction with Heavy Metals Certified "ORGANIC" Foods and Heavy Metals Dietary exposure to toxic heavy metals through foods is a far greater problem than what most people realize. Even USDA-certified organic foods are not tested for heavy metals like cadmium, lead, arsenic, or mercury. Thus, there are no limits on heavy metal levels in these foods, including those sold in upscale healthy food retailers such as Whole Foods. The organic label simply describes the process through which the food was grown and that a farmer hasn’t used additional pesticides, herbicides, or other petrochemicals during that process. “Certified organic” in no way requires any heavy metals testing of soils, irrigation water, or even the final food product. The reality is that one farmer’s “organic” food can differ widely from another farmer’s food simply because the air, water, and soil in which the food is grown is overwhelmingly contaminated with heavy metals. Toxic heavy metals and other elemental poisons—whether they circulate around us or are absorbed into our bodies—definitively remain in the biosphere in one form or another in perpetuity. They are part of a vicious and deadly cycle that modern life has exponentially accelerated through the industrial mining, concentration, and dispersing of toxic elements that would have been far better left alone, buried in the Earth’s crust. Food Contaminates Aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate, Artificial Colors, Chemical Preservatives, Emulsifiers and Thickening Agents are now part of a widespread contamination of the food we eat. What’s worse, while everyone is focused on fat, calories, carbohydrates, and, in some cases, food preservatives, few are really paying attention to chemicals that may be unlabeled in their groceries or even in the packaging that their food comes in. Problem is that most of these complex lab creations aren’t recognized by the body so they cannot be properly processed. As a result, they often become hazardous to our health. The health risks behind each of the above "INGREDIENTS" are numerous but the bottomline is quite simple TRY TO AVOID PROCESSED FOODS! As an EXAMPLE: Mike Adams in his book FOOD FORENSICS (page 69) describes his attempt to persuade Whole Foods to pull the lead-contaminated protein powders from their store shelves, "the retailer did nothing to halt their sales of such products. Whole Foods continues to sell vegan, organic protein powders in its stores that show alarming concentrations of lead contamination because the raw materials are sourced from China." Transgenerational Toxicity Transfer Body Interaction with Heavy Metals There is ample evidence of heavy metals disrupting chemical reactions throughout the body and blocking important nutrient absorption. Toxic metals often compete with nutritional elements in metabolic processes; poisonous metals can imitate essential, or “good,” trace metals, rendering elements the body needs unavailable as chemical catalysts. Even when heavy metals don’t interfere with key metabolic functions, they still cling to cell walls, interfering with other cellular functions such as waste excretion, immune defense, healing, and adaptation. Emerging science reveals that toxic elements, including heavy metals, have a greater propensity than previously thought for damaging DNA and disrupting cellular processes. Not only are these metals shown to cause cancer, but there is increasing evidence now confirming their potential roles as co-carcinogens that increase mutations and disruptions when combined in the body with other types of toxins. Transgenerational Toxicity Transfer This recent (Published on Feb. 2022) study concludes: "Epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of increased susceptibility to disease is an example of generational toxicity, in which toxicants affect non-exposed future generations. Governmental policies regulating toxicant exposure currently do not take generational effects into account". Epigenetic inheritance of toxic side effects from dietary exposure to heavy metals means that toxicity is trans-generational. This means that the toxic environment in which we live today will negatively impact future generations for an unknown number of generations even if we eliminate all toxin exposure starting tomorrow. This way, studies have shown an inverse relationship between a mother’s cumulative cord blood lead levels and the epigenome of her developing fetus, strongly suggesting that toxins interfere with “long-term epigenetic programming and disease susceptibility.” Arsenic exposure was likewise found to affect DNA methylation in fetal development, damaging DNA and disrupting gene regulation.

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    Health Issues WELCOME TO THE SELF HEALING COMMUNITY Most "Common", Nonchronic, Inflammation Related Health Issues Page Content: Join Us Common, Nonchronic Inflammations Recommended Oregano Oil Recovery Formula Oregano Oil Oral Intake Practice Sore Throat Flu/ Influenza Sinusitis Pain Relief Heartburn & Acid Reflux Ear Pain and Wax removal Oregano lotion for EARACHE Using a Water Jet for Wax removal Hydrogen Peroxide For the EARACHE Anchor 1 Join Us JOIN US s haring personal experience (using visitor's reviews), and scientific knowledge about Natural Prevention and Self Resolution of HEALTH ISSUES. THIS WEBSITE brings to its visitors scientific, unbiased information about self healing practices, products, recipes and their applications, coupled with sit visitor's reviews of its recommended practices. Read more NOTE! We would NOT make use of your email for any purpose other than notifying you about new information on subject of your interest, and will not release it to any third party! Most "Common", Nonchronic, Inflammation Related Health Issue (Sore Throat , Flu/ Influenza , Sinusitis , Earache and Wax removal) The inflammations discussed below are pathogen related most common inflammations, be it viruses, bacteria or fungus. As such, the recommended practice (of oral intake of the oregano oil formula), comes to help the body cope with these pathogens. Generally speaking, we want to assist the body's immune system to cope with pathogens to accelerate the recovery and prevent the possibility of damages incurred by the pathogen or by a prolonged inflammation. Read more on this page for more about pathogen related inflammations and the scientific studies that back our recommended OREGANO OIL FORMULA for these most common inflammations. RECOMMENDED OREGANO OIL RECOVERY FORMULA AND PRACTICE to be used for common , nonchronic, inflammation related health issues. . The Formula: Dilute one part of oregano oil in four parts of olive oil . Oregano oil should be pure, wild, with no less than 70% carvacrol (not "standardized" - added artificially), collected from high mountain regions. Olive oil should be of high quality organic, cold pressed, virgin olive oil. Oregano Oil Oral Intake Practice: Dosage: Adults and children over 12 years: Days 1 to 3: Take 10-15 drops (body weight dependent: below 120 lb - 10, above 15) 2 times daily on empty stomach, Days 4 to 10: Take 10-15 drops one time daily on empty stomach. Avoid carbohydrates as long as the infection is still in progress. Do not take more than the recommended dose. Do not take this product for a cold or flu for more than 10 days. Rub a little bit of the coconut oil to your leaps (to avoid the stinging of the oregano oil), Fill the oil drops dosage to a teaspoon and swallow, Follow it immediately by swallowing a teaspoon of coconut oil and some warm water, if you still feel the need for it. Resolution: In most cases, expect to resolve the problem in a day or a few days. 3.8 9 Ratings average rating is 3.8 out of 5, based on 9 votes, Ratings Reviews Common, Nonchronic Inflammations Oregano Oral Intake Practice RECOMMENDED OREGANO OIL RECOVERY FORMULA Sore Throat Sore Throat SORE THROAT - About 10-30% of people approach primary healthcare services with sore throat each year. The causative organisms of sore throat may be bacteria ( most commonly Streptococcus ) or viruses (typically rhinovirus), although it is difficult to distinguish bacterial from viral infections clinically. In most cases you can treat it at home. Use this oregano oil formula and dosage and expect resolution in a day or two. Oregano Oil For Sore Throat 3.0 3 Ratings average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 3 votes, Ratings Reviews Flu / Influenza FLU ( influenza ) a communicable viral disease that affects the upper and lower respiratory tract. Between 3 percent and 11 percent of the U.S. population gets infected and develops flu symptoms each year. A wide spectrum of influenza viruses causes it. The flu doesn’t usually require a doctor’s visit . Use this oregano oil formula and dosage and expect resolution in a day or two. Oregano Oil For Flu/Influenza 3.0 3 Ratings average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 3 votes, Ratings Reviews Flu / Influenza Sinusitis Sinusitis SINUSITIS - Acute sinusitis, also called acute rhinosinusitis, is a short-term inflammation of the membranes that line your nose and surrounding sinuses and impedes your ability to drain mucus from your nose and sinuses. It is triggered by the rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, and parainfluenza viruses, and inflicts about 35 million Americans at least once each year . Acute sinusitis is most commonly due to a cold causing viral infection. In some cases, sinusitis can trigger a sinus headache or pressure in your forehead and cheeks - In most cases you can treat it at home. Use this oregano oil formula and dosage and expect resolution in a matter of a few days. Oregano Oil For Sinusitis 2.0 2 Ratings average rating is 2 out of 5, based on 2 votes, Ratings Reviews Pain Relief Pain Relief Pain Treatment - The Standard Approach The standard approach for treating pain and musculoskeletal injuries typically involves giving Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID - e.g., ibuprofen), and in more severe cases, opioids. As detailed below, these drugs are extremely dangerous including sever adverse effects on body organs such as gastric, Renal, Cardiovascular, Hepatic, Hematologic and other minor skin and pulmonary systems ( Read more ) but nonetheless have remained the standard of pain relief practice for decades. This article "DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is a Miraculous Therapy for Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Injuries", describes: "DMSO is a remarkably effective pain-killing agent, in many cases allowing individuals who’d been disabled for years by their pain (e.g., a failed spine surgery or severe arthritis—DMSO’s most popular use) to get their lives back. Furthermore, it can treat many types of pain other therapies do not work on (e.g., complex regional pain syndrome)." Dr Mercola in his article "How DMSO Safely Eliminates 'Incurable' Pain" makes reference to the above article and continues and presents his analysis of the various benefits of DMSO: Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) provides powerful pain relief, even helping individuals disabled by conditions like failed spine surgeries or severe arthritis regain health. It is also effective for hard-to-treat pain cases like complex regional pain syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches and post-surgical pain DMSO works through multiple mechanisms to relieve pain, including blocking nerve conduction, reducing inflammation, relaxing muscles, and improving circulation Unlike opioids where tolerance develops over time, DMSO often becomes more effective with continued use, and many patients require it less frequently or not at all as their conditions resolve. With this wide spectrum of benefits without any noticeable side effects, what is left is the suggested application practice. DMSO Topical Appllication Use distilled water to achieve the desired concentration DMSO[1 ]. Be aware that the mixture will generate heat when diluting, so the bottle may feel warm. Concentration Guidelines For general skin application: 50% to 90% DMSO concentration is suitable[2 ]. Use lower concentration for sensitive skin or mucous areas such as face and neck - below 70%. Additional Considerations Ensure the skin is clean, dry, and unbroken before applying DMSO[1 ]. Allow the applied DMSO to dry for 20 to 30 minutes before wiping off any excess[1 ]. For first-time users, start with a lower concentration to test for sensitivity[3 ]. Safety Precautions Only use pharmaceutical-grade DMSO for topical applications[4 ]. Avoid using industrial-grade DMSO, as it may contain harmful impurities[4 ]. Clean both the application site and your hands thoroughly before use to prevent contaminant absorption[1 ]. Heartburn & Acid Reflux Heartburn & Acid Reflux The terms acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD are often used interchangeably, but they actually mean different things. Acid reflux is the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. The feeling of acid reflux is heartburn: a mild burning sensation in the mid-chest, often occurring after meals or when lying down. SAFE AND EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES TO ELIMINATE HEARTBURN AND ACID REFLUX Acid reflux is an extremely common health problem , affecting as many as 50 percent of Americans. Other terms used for this condition are gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or peptic ulcer disease. The hallmark symptom of acid reflux is “heartburn”—a burning sensation behind your breastbone that sometimes travels up your throat. In some cases, this pain can be severe enough to be mistaken for a heart attack. Conventionally, acid reflux is thought to be caused by excessive amounts of acid in your stomach, which is why acid-blocking drugs are typically prescribed or recommended. This is a serious medical misconception that adversely affects hundreds of millions of people, as the problem usually results from having too little acid in your stomach. Besides addressing your day-to-day diet and optimizing your gut flora, a number of other strategies can also help you get your heartburn under control: Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar − As mentioned earlier, acid reflux typically results from having too little acid in your stomach. You can easily improve the acid content of your stomach by taking one tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water. Still, research of its effectiveness to overcome acid reflux is rather limited Baking soda − One-half to one full teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in an eight-ounce glass of water to ease the burn of acid reflux as it helps neutralize stomach acid. It is not recommend as a regular solution but it can sure help in an emergency when you are in excruciating pain. Aloe juice − The juice of the aloe plant naturally helps reduce inflammation, and control the acid secretion in the stomach . which may ease symptoms of acid reflux. Drink about 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice before meals. If you want to avoid its laxative effect, look for a brand that has removed the laxative component. Ginger root or chamomile tea − Ginger has been found to have a gastroprotective effect by blocking acid and suppressing helicobacter pylori. According to this study , it’s also far superior to lansoprazole for preventing the formation of ulcers, exhibiting six - to eight-fold greater potency over the drug! This is perhaps not all that surprising, considering the fact that ginger root has been traditionally used against gastric disturbances since ancient times. Add two or three slices of fresh ginger root to two cups of hot water. Let steep for about half an hour. Drink about 20 minutes or so before your meal. Before bed, try a cup of chamomile tea, which can help soothe stomach inflammation and help you sleep. Vitamin D − Vitamin D is important for addressing any infectious component. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in optimizing the production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that will help your body eradicate any infection that shouldn’t be there. Discussed in many previous articles, you can increase your vitamin D levels through appropriate amounts of sun exposure, or using a safe tanning bed. If neither of those are available, you can take an oral vitamin D3 supplement; just remember to also increase your vitamin K2 intake. Ear Pain and Wax Removal Ear Pain and Wax Removal Ear Pain originates from a number of different causes. Although potentially painful and frustrating, most are not dangerous. As with most symptoms you experience, it is an indication of something wrong. It's important to also pinpoint the origin of the pain and not just treat the symptom. Most doctors and pediatricians may prescribe antibiotics or pain medication for an earache. however, research de monstrates that most middle ear infections , may be resolved with simple remedies or will be resolved spontaneously within a week. Note that neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nor the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend using antibiotics immediately to treat ear infections. But, ear infections are not the only reason you or your child may experience an ear pain. Ear pains may be associated with other conditions, not necessarily associated with inflammation, such as toothache, cold or flu, tooth grinding during sleep and more. The solutions offered below are for the most frequent earache problem, a buildup or blockage in the ear canal. symptoms: Earache Itching, odor or discharge from your ear Partial or progressive hearing loss Tinnitus, ringing or noises in your ear Feeling of fullness in the ear canal Recommended Practice - Oregano lotion for EARACHE As we discuss above oregano oil oral intake practice and its anti-inflammatory formula are a proven solution to many inflammatory related health issues cute including otitis media (an infection of the middle ear that causes inflammation - redness and swelling) and other infection related ear problems. Note! Hydrogen peroxide practice as prescribed below for wax removal is a good alternative for mild earache cases. Removal of accumulated wax: Note! According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology (4 Oct 2022) Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, as long as the ears are functioning properly, people should not be trying to remove ear wax, and should leave it alone. For the vast majority, ear wax does not cause any problems and there isn't a need to remove it. If you feel that the wax impairs your hearing and you want to clear it, start with hydrogen peroxide (Read below ), or else, use a water jet irrigator (Read more below ) Ear Plugs! Most common hearing "blockage" - There are many reasons why people would use ear plugs. Most of those users aren't aware that the action of inserting the ear plugs into the ears "drags" with it wax and other skin debris from the ear canal and pushes them towards the ear drum, thereby impairing the hearing ability requiring one of the methods to remove the blockage, as discussed below. Bottomline, try to avoid the usage of ear plugs! Using a Water Jet ( irrigation device) Use an irrigation device that has a straight nozzle, one that makes it easy to use one hand to irrigate your ear out as opposed to bottles that requires the use of two hands. Note: There is an advantage to a device that allows you to tilt your head to the side of the treated ear, to allow for easy drip of the water that are coming out, into a sink/bathtub etc. On a personal level, I prefer an "Oral Irrigator Water Flosser " that allows for an easy navigation of the tip into the ear while the water jet is running out, and easy water temperature adjustment. Hydrogen Peroxide For EARACHE and WAX REMOVAL: Use a dropper to drip 5-10 drops of food grade 99.9% hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal, laying on the side to help the drops "slide" into the ear canal. Let it "bubble" for a few minutes and then if it does not drips out, you may want to use an oral irrigator or use a set of accessories as can be found here . Note! this recommendation is based on personal experience of all members of our community. This scientific article (among others) substantiates this recommendation but does not mention the oral irrigator or tattoo washing bottle that we found as great help for the wax removal process. It is also crucial for people to ensure that they will not have an allergic reaction or be sensitive to the lotion. It is possible to test this by dabbing a tiny amount of the lotion onto a small area of skin. If the skin does not react after a few hours, it should be safe to use the oil. The skin inside the ear may be more sensitive than other areas, so people should continue to monitor the skin for any signs of irritation. Notice: Never put anything into the ear canal if you think the eardrum may be ruptured or if you know there is a small hole in your eardrum. If fluid or oils will pass through the hole a permanent damage may be incurred to the delicate bones behind the eardrum, leaving you with permanent hearing loss. Expected results: Clearing of the ear, removal of the pain and “back to normal” hearing. Repetitions: Some of the accumulated wax may not be sufficiently removed and it may take about 24 hours for it to soften with the solutions that were dripped into the ear. Repeat the “irrigation” if the problem persists after a day of the first “dripping”. Go to see a doctor if the problem is not resolved after the second “irrigation”. 3.7 3 Ratings average rating is 3.7 out of 5, based on 3 votes, Ratings Reviews 4.0 2 Ratings average rating is 4 out of 5, based on 2 votes, Ratings Reviews 3.0 150 Ratings average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 150 votes, Ratings Reviews Oregano oil practice for EARACHE Hydrogen Peroxide For the EARACHE Using a Water Jet

  • Acupuncture and Acupressure |

    Acupuncture and Acupressure Back to Brain Solution: Acupuncture for Dementia – How does the Treatment Help? Acupuncture provides a large range of effects, which include the systematic reduction of inflammation and promotion of circulation, among other things. Though it is still not clear exactly how acupuncture initiates the healing process, most patients hardly care as they are just happy over the fact that the treatment is working. Several types of research conducted in the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine have shown that through great many tests such as the Morris water maze for detecting the neuroprotective effects and detecting levels of DNA oxidation for the oxidative stress aspects, researchers wanted to find out whether acupuncture could mimic a similar effect of TXNIP inhibition. Now, what is TXNIP? TXNIP, more elaborately known as Thioredoxin-interacting protein, is in plain terms a kind of switch which sets the ball rolling for the destructive processes present in vascular dementia along with conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, for example. So in layman’s terms, if we are able to inhibit the release of TXNIP, it will also inhibit the types of damage that lead to a range of issues. The study revealed several important points about acupuncture and how it was able to reverse a number of negative inflammatory and destructive markers which include TXNIP. Acupuncture is more effective in dealing with and treating dementia than conventional drug therapy, this has been backed by researchers at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology. It was published in the Journal of the Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. Their research has clearly demonstrated that acupuncture can be both a safe and effective treatment for vascular dementia. Acupuncture has achieved an impressive 90% total efficacy rate, especially when you use the Xing Nao Kai Qiao acupuncture protocol, closely followed by conventional acupuncture which managed to notch up an 80% total efficacy rate, further followed by drug therapy which fetched up a 60% total efficacy rate. It is recommended that you contact a practitioner for this therapy proce dure. Customer Reviews QUESTIONS ASKED Please try to present your review by responding to the questions below. We try to make your review as clear and brief as possible, to make it easy for other members to learn from your experience. 1. Describe the pain/problem 2. What was the Dosage (concentration, number of "takes" per day...) 3. Describe How did you apply it (swashing, swallow, skin surface spread... 4. How long did it take to notice improvement (time to start getting results....) 5. What is the final outcome 6. More info that you want to share Reviews (ratings are between 1 to 10) Reviews: .. Display reviews by rating: select the rating, and then click the button ≥ or ≤ ≥ ≤ Load More Reviews Write your Review 1) Describe the pain/problem that you wanted a solution for: 2) What was the Dosage (concentration, number of "takes" per day...) 3) Describe How did you apply it (swashing, swallow, skin surface spread... 4) How long did it take to notice improvement (time to start getting results....) 5) What is the final outcome 6) More info that you want to share 7) Please select your final grade to this solution between 1 to 10: Submit Your content has been submitted An error occurred. Try again later

  • Scientifically Backed Self Healing Practices | Halyvera | Ontario

    ABOUT US AND THIS WEBSITE BE IN TOUCH Page Content: Our Mission Who We are Unbiased Information And Practices Scientifically Backed Facts Why Self-Healing Why We Do It Knowledge Sharing What's Special About The Halyvera Website the high tech vets that became herbal and commit to share their self-healing practices with others Our Mission Who We Are UNBIASED INFORMATION AND PRACTICES Scientifically Backed Facts Why Self-Healing Our Mission To provide community members with scientifically backed herbal self healing health related practices, products and related information along with members’ testimonials. Offered products will be only of top quality at substantially lower prices than any other similar product on the market. Who We Are We are a group of Israeli entrepreneurs, vets of the high-tech sector who discovered the benefits of self-healing herbal based practices, practices that helped us restore our confidence in our ability to control our well-being. Unbiased Information And Practices Unbiased and trustworthy information is at the foundation of this website. No advertisements, member reviews will be meticulously scrutinised to prevent product promotions of any sort! Most important is the fact that we are not promoting any product to avoid any incentive for biassed information. Our product offerings are very limited and we offer them because we found supply chains that make them top quality at unmatched prices! No product will be offered on this website unless it is organic (if grown or harvested), with substantiated heritage of results, and certificates of product integrity (in special cases - presence of heavy metals tests). Nor will we share community subscribers' emails or any other contact information with any third party. If and when we will offer a product, it will be to create an offering of quality and price as a challenge for other vendors to meet and surpass. Scientifically Backed Facts We commit to avoid recommending recipes, practices, and applications that are not backed by scientific studies. Some of the recipes, in particular hair growth recipes, are presented after we validated that they are popular and represent a heritage of centuries-old tradition because we attribute high credibility to health practices that were evolved through centuries of practice and come from reliable sources, like the Father Romano Zago recommended practices. Why We Do It Knowledge Sharing Why Self-Healing? Self-healing is first and foremost - taking responsibility to your health , translated to preventive practices like your daily diet and physical exercises, two basic elements that without them, all other practices will be less effective, and their impact would not last for long! Most of today's prescriptions and medical practices are effective and provide remedies for the problem that they are prescribed to resolve. The problem - PRESCRIPTIONS DO NOT COPE WITH THE PROBLEM CAUSES and their side effects could some times lead to other complexities. Just as an example, Type 2 diabetes medications and insulin therapy - Metformine (Glucophage, Glumetza, others) are "doing the job" but the pancreas insulin secretion will most likely become dysfunctional. Same with the thyroid triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) hormone secretion that becomes essentially ineffectual over time of taking the replacing medications. Eyeglasses are another good example, as corrective eyesight practices such as glasses, contact lenses, LASIK or other laser interventions further weaken eyesight over a prolonged period of time. Self-healing practices can help alleviate problems, without long term detrimental side effects! As high-tech vets, we continuously and relentlessly search "out of the box solutions" to discover what others have been developing below our own "radar". WHY WE DO IT? There was a point in time that we asked ourselves - What has been our contribution to the community. Follow-up questions were: What community? What is a contribution to the community? Without diving deep into a philosophical discussion, this website is the answer we found for these two questions. We strongly believe that it is up to us to prove to the community members, that what we promise, is what we deliver. We strongly believe in prevention practices, rather than fixing various health conditions. WHAT MAKES THE HALYVERA WEBSITE SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE SHARING Knowledge sharing is key to this process of taking responsibility for our health and applying the preventive or healing practices that are the basis of what self-healing and herbal health have to offer. We take responsibility - We will do our best, that this website will be an unbiased stage for users to share their experience, with what worked and what did not work for them, using the REVIEWS inserts that are attached to the prescribed practices. THIS IS WHAT WE CALL CROWD WISDOM. “What works for me”! is a corner stone of this site. Dealing with a health problem, finding “a solution that works for you” is a "never ending" challenge, because what works (or does not work) for one, may not work for another. Crowd wisdom is so important because it gives you access to the experience of others. We will do our utmost to provide detailed "PRACTICES"! But we need your help! help us and point to deficiencies, and we will get back to you with the missing elements and our thanks for your cooperation. WHAT MAKES THE HALYVERA WEBSITE SPECIAL This website is for those who decided to take control of their health and wellbeing. For decades, populations of “modern/western societies'' were educated/led to accept/adopt practices/treatment protocols provided by the medical establishment! FOR A RAPIDLY GROWING GLOBAL COMMUNITY OF PEOPLE, THESE DAYS ARE OVER! People in many countries become aware, that the medical establishment in their country as in many other parts of the world, has been manipulated by some very powerful medical entities represented by the WHO (World Health Organization), to prescribe health protocols that serve the interests of the dominating pharmaceutical corporations, as well as other interests, and not the interest of the individuals that they were suppose to serve! Consequently, when one asks for a doctor’s advice, or seeks help in the hospital, the prescribed medicine/treatment would not be what’s best for him, but what’s best in terms of these dominating powerful entities. Those who become “AWARE” to this institutional misconduct, are now in search for UNBIASED, “PROVEN” protocols/practices that would be the best fit for the problems that they have to cope with. This is the community we are targeting with the HALYVERA website. The site’s main topics are “HEALTH ISSUE” and “PREVENTION”. HEALTH ISSUES contains suggested practices to deal with various most common health issues, PREVENTION contains practices to help avoidance of the various health issues. All the practices prescribed for both - ISSUES and PREVENTION are provided with detailed scientific backing to their validity, effectiveness and safety. To avoid any conflict of interests, the products that are offered on our website are there for one reason, to provide the best quality product for the prescribed practice at the lowest cost possible. Other vendors are encouraged to provide alternatives that will be posted as soon as they are validated for the quality and the price of their offerings. Off course, HALYVERA is not the first website that seeks to attract and serve this community, but it contains some features that are unique in terms of improved accessibility/navigation of site visitors who are in search for some specific information: PAGE CONTENT box with links to specific topics presented on each page, REVIEWS inserts for each of the suggested practices, providing site visitors with the feedback of those who have already tried that practice, RELATED PAGES links, to provide short-cuts to pages containing additional information related to the information posted in the page. WHY WE DO IT? Our biggest compensation would be if we succeed to accelerate the spreading of this “AWARENESS”. We ourselves became aware of our own misconception - the perception that the medical establishment seeks to help us and not serve its own interests, by people that decided to give up their careers and devote their skills and energies for this eye opening. If successful, this website would be our minor return to what these people have contributed to us!


    Origanum Minutiflorum Wild Harvasted Oregano Oil Page Content: 1. Quality Issues 2, Special Qualities to Look for 3. Health Benefits 4. Usage and safety 100% PURE, WILD, ORGANIC, ORIGANUM MINUTIFLORUM OIL, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Product details Highly concentrated, above 75% Carvacrol, No thymol content, No standardization, no additives, Steam distilled premium quality essential oil, Suitable for internal consumption with medical supervision & advice QUALITY ISSUES QUALITY ISSUES Why Origanum Minutiflorum? How could you tell that your oregano vulgar is "WILD HARVESTED"? Origanum Minutiflorum is “rare and grows only at altitudes above 1500 m, on rocky soils, and on only two or three mountain massifs in southern Turkey”[RE F ]. In other words - it can only thrive, when growing wild at high altitude.This harvesting source ensures natural, high level, relatively homogeneous, carvacrol as well as other important ingredients. Read more OREGANO VULGAR "WEAKNESSES" The most common plant used for oregano oils - Oregano Vulgar , is cultivated throughout the world at low altitudes with many subspecies. As such, many vendors of this product, tend to STANDARDIZE, the extracted oil, namely adding to the oil one or more ingredients - most notably, adding carvacrol, to maintain a "good level" of that ingredient. Some vendors will claim for "Wild oregano plant harvested from high altitude habitat" with no attempt to substantiate this claim. Using the Origanum Minutiflorum resolves the substantiation issue because it is not cultivated, and its wild habitat is very limited to the Massifs Mountains in southern Turkey. [RE F ] NOTE! Many oregano oil vendors became aware of the ORIGANUM MINOTIFLORUM superior qualities and are naming there oregano oil as origanum minutiflorum, without actually sourcing their oil or the leaves they use for the extraction of the oil from that plant. If you want this unique oil, verify its source and don't let the product name to mislead you. OREGANO OIL BLENDS - Some oregano oil vendors do not make it very clear that their product is a blend (most often with olive oil) where the olive oil is the major ingredient in the bottle. Some of these vendors offer a "regular" oregano oil (the word blend is not mentioned) and a super strength oregano oil which according to one of their sellers "...the difference between super strength and regular strength is that the ratio of olive oil to oregano oil is considerably different, by nearly 3-fold." They would tell you that the carvacrol content in their oregano oil is above a certain percentage, but without knowing the composition of the blend that they offer in the bottle, you would not be able to figure out, how much carvacrol you really get in the oil that you take! Of coarse, pure oregano essential oil should be blended significantly before use (between 1-4 drops in a tablespoon of a carrier oil - like olive oil, read more below ), be it for topical or ingestion, but most customers are not aware that what they buy is not the pure oregano oil but mostly an olive oil! STANDARDIZATION of essential oils alters and disrupts their natural construction. Standardization practice intends to maintain consistency and/or to selectively increase specific naturally occurring compounds - most notably, carvacrol. This can be done by the producer, before, during or after the extraction process. Examples of standardization practices include modifications of the plant seed and growth environment, and the addition of isolated components post-distillation/extraction. This selective process disrupts the synergy that occurs when trace components that would otherwise naturally occur within the plant are lost to make room for the unnatural increase in components. As demonstrated by this study [REF ], the overall effect of the beneficial components Disruption of this synergy, has a dramatic impact of lowering the effectiveness of the oil. Regardless of the technique, when the natural composition of the oil is altered, and synergy is compromised, renders the oil to become less effective than if it were in its natural state. We recommend 100% pure origanum minutiflorum oil which needs no standardization or any other practice to improve its quality from the harvesting of the wild plant through the distillation process, preservation of its natural qualities is the guiding line. Coordinated with regional forestry authorities, the origanum we recommend is carefully harvested, to preserve this specie in this unique habitat. Special qualties to look after SPECIAL QUALITIES TO LOOK FOR On this page of this website we present many scientific references that confirm the superior effectiveness of the oregano oil and its various ingredients - most notably carvacrol and thymol, to combat various infections and inflammation that may inflict our body. In the section below, we provide details of specific health conditions and references to scientific studies that demonstrated the benefits of oregano oil in coping with these conditions. We recommend this product because of its importance as a herbal treatment for health issues and the fact that very few out of its numerous providers bother to mention the exact plant variety that they use, its harvesting grounds and the significance of these elements on the quality of its health ingredients. Offerings that provide information on the source of their oregano oils are expensive. Here we try to call your attention beyond the oil's price, to the details of its source and the content level of its important ingredients. Health benefits OREGANO OIL HEALTH BENEFITS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCES NOTICE, IN THIS SECTION WE PROVIDE LINKS TO SOME OF THE HEALTH CONDITIONS THAT ARE DETAILED ON OTHER PAGES OF THIS WEBSITE, WHERE ADDITIONAL BENEFICIAL OPTIONS ARE PRESCRIBED. FLU, COLDS , RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS , SORE THROAT , COUGHS All these conditions are categorized under "viral infection". As demonstrated on this page , scientific studies (e.g. [REF ]) demonstrated the efficacy and mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol against a wide range of pathogens. INFLAMMATION OF THE SMALL INTESTINE AND INTESTINAL PARASITES There are many factors that contribute to gut inflammation, including diet and lifestyle habits, microbial balance and the presence of toxins. The truth is, that many people have intestinal parasites and don’t even know it! They are not uncommon, and oregano oil can help to rid them from your body. [REF ] This referenced study [REF ], has shown a reduction in inflammation throughout the small intestine and colon, with pigs fed with oregano essential oil. “A potential factor of gastrointestinal dysfunction and pathology, including Crohn's disease, multiple organ dysfunction, bacterial translocation, food allergies, and acute pancreatitis”. BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS (BV) a disease of the vagina caused by excessive growth of bacteria. Common symptoms include increased vaginal discharge that often smells like fish. The discharge is usually white or gray in color. Burning with urination may occur. Usually, "good" bacteria (lactobacilli) outnumber "bad" bacteria (anaerobes) in your vagina. But if anaerobic bacteria become too numerous, they upset the natural balance of microorganisms in the vagina and lactobacilli decrease. As we already presented on this page oregano is a well-studied natural antimicrobial that can be utilized to rid the body of excess bacterial and fungal overgrowth. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE If symptom observed - properly dilute 3-5 drops of oregano oil into carrier oil of choice, take 3x daily for 4-5 days. Preventative - properly dilute 3-5 drops of oregano oil into carrier oil of choice, take once daily or every other day. Usage and safety OREGANO OIL USAGE AND SAFETY Usage This highly concentrated oil is best for the various health conditions as described above. As with all other essential oils, DO NOT use the oregano oil without dilution in a carrier oil! To avoid irritation of skin or mucous membrane (lips for example), There's no standard effective dose of oregano essential oil as herbal supplement. Some recommend [REF ] to make a mix of around 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of coconut oil (most recommended) or olive oil per a drop of oregano essential oil when applied directly to the skin. For ingestion use, 1 - 4 Drops per tablespoon (one tablespoon = 15 ml) of a carrier oil (such as coconut or olive oils) would provide the appropriate dilution. A 10 ml glass Measuring Dropping Pipette (with a Rubber Head) is a good kitchen aid to prepare the right mixture of a carrier oil with an essential oil for repeated usage. In case that you want to use a teaspoon, its volume is around 5 ml. NOTICE! Once you have the diluted mixture ready, take a teaspoon of the mixture once or twice a day. If you feel some burning/stinging feeling on your lips (that touched the teaspoon) and palate, take a tablespoon, deep it in your coconut oil and lick and swallow the oil. You will notice that the annoying feeling is gone away in seconds. Notice, a dropper oil drop is about 0.05 milliliter (ml), and a teaspoon is about 5 ml so that 1 - 4 drops per tablespoon translates to a recommended concentration of ~0.75% - 2% of the oregano essential oil in the carrier oil. We provide the table below for those who want to prepare larger volumes of oil ready for consumption. It is recommended to consult with your physician for edible consumption, Do not use it if pregnant or near children under 2 years of age. Keep out of reach of children. Some people may be allergic to Cinnamon Oils. Safety Information Oregano essential oil, is relatively non-toxic. Its major ingredient - carvacrol (above 75%) could be irritating to the mucous membranes (i.e. lips): so use in moderation, always dilute it with a carrier oil (such as coconut or olive oil) as recommended above. The oil should be used carefully when applied to the skin, causing irritation, reddening, and even a burn to sensitive skin. Therefore, use carefully. Read about the properties and usage of essential oils. Consult with a knowledgeable source for indications and contraindications before use. Keep out of the reach of children. Legal Disclaimer Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.


    Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration The Problem: Glaucoma - The Disease That Blinds People! What is glaucoma? It is a common eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve. Damage to the optic nerve damages the visual field and thus causes a significant decrease in vision. What is the intraocular pressure? The eyeball of all human beings fills and empties to maintain the balance of the intraocular fluid. When there is no balance between the fluid that fills and the fluid that empties, a state of intraocular pressure is created, which in most cases is high and presses on the "walls" of the eye, so that the nerve tissues are in tension and this causes slow and permanent destruction of the optic nerve. Conventional treatment: Lowering the intraocular pressure to prevent a state of visual nerve destruction. Are drug and medical treatments always effective? Medical treatment has always been in the direction of balancing intraocular pressure. This treatment often does not stop the destruction of the optic nerve. This means that despite lowering the intraocular pressure there is still a risk of optic nerve deterioration and severe visual impairment. In many cases glaucoma develops from unbalanced use of both eyes, i.e a gap in the quality and sharpness of vision between the two eyes. Symptoms: "Sand in the eyes" condition, Strong headaches A back pain Many glaucoma cases "show up" at older ages (60+). Patients usually wear eyeglasses for many years, and the problem is accompanied by a sense of "sand in the eyes". Many would also suffer from a decrease in the peripheral vision. Page Content: The Problem Glaucoma treatment practice Glaucoma Increase Blood Flow Macular degeneration Sun exercise practical example The Problem Related Linked Pages: Glasses, Contact Lenses, LASIK Cataract and Eye Floaters Eye Strain Lazy Eye Dry Eyes Back To Eyes Glaucoma treatment Glaucoma Treatment Expected Results: The treatment is designed to reduce intraocular pressure and strengthen the activity of the optic nerve. The purpose of the exercises is to create a balance between the two eyes, increase the field of vision and pump more blood to the optic nerve. Because in this disease the extent of vision is significantly lost, exercises are designed to expand the scope of vision and relieve load and pressure from the center of vision. These exercises have proved to create a rapid and significant change in the case of glaucoma and stop the deterioration of the disease, which in itself is critical. A daily routine could yield intraocular pressure reduction of about 10 in each eye and also a reduced glasses diopter number by 1.5. and improved balance between the two eyes. 5.0 1 Reviews average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Reviews Reviews Glaucoma Increase Blood Flow Glaucoma Increase Blood Flow The state of stress in the eyes requires practice on a daily level of special exercises that are specifically tailored to the state of the eyes. Additionally, coping with glaucoma requires specific body work for muscles in the back, upper back, face and jaw, assuming that the patient visual effort is accompanied by an effort of the entire form of holding and activating the upper body. This effort affects the blood flow to the retina and that in itself creates an intraocular pressure. Increased blood flow to the eyes awakens the optic nerve which is necessary to improve the condition of the optic nerve and consequently the vision. Repetitions: The state of stress in the eyes requires practice on a daily level of special exercises that are specifically tailored to the state of the eyes. 5.0 1 Reviews average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Reviews Reviews Macular Degeneration Macular degeneration is currently the leading cause of blindness in Western countries. It is common among older people but this phenomenon is spreading to younger ages as well. Macular degeneration When a degenerative process of the macula begins the visual acuity and the ability to distinct details is gradually impaired, because the macula is responsible for detailed vision. Intense and strenuous eye focusing for near distance, use of glasses, which reduces the field of vision and especially the peripheral vision, creating pressure on the center of vision and weakens it. On the other hand, healthy use of the eyes stimulates them and maintains their strength! The fact that macular degeneration occurs at old age leads many to the wrong conclusion that it is an age related phenomenon, but it is not age that causes the disease, it is the destructive use of the eyes day after day and year after year that are the cause of the disease. Remember that at any age and in any situation you can work with the eyes and improve their condition, of course the degree of vision improvement varies from person to person and consists of several factors that affect the results. Macular Sun Exercise Example of a practical experience: A patient experienced impaired vision. He would notice movement and transient figures but had difficulty seeing details. Exercises started for several times a week with a lot of special sun exercises to "wake up" the macula and increase blood flow to the head to nourish the retina, under the strong light (the sun exercises should be learned from a therapist only). After two years of practicing, the patient has achieved improved vision, he is able to read letters from a distance of 3 meters, and his vision is improving by the day. The recovery period could be shorter, depending on the general physical condition of the patient. There are cases where the improvement could be greater and faster. 5.0 1 Reviews average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Reviews Reviews Sun exercise practical example

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