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A tooth pain is the result of inflammation triggered by Dental caries (also known as tooth decay or dental cavities), Periodontitis (also called gum disease), and Pulpitis (inflammation of the dental pulp).
As with many other inflammation issues, dental inflammations are associated with our diet, and more specifically fermentable carbohydrates (as explained below) and other acidic intakes that lower the mouth PH which promotes the growth and activity of cariogenic (cavity-causing) bacteria.

Low Mouth pH = Enamel Demineralization
When the pH in the mouth drops below 5.5, it creates an acidic environment that leads to demineralization of tooth enamel [1]. This critical pH threshold triggers the dissolution of hydroxyapatite, the main mineral component of tooth enamel [4]. As the enamel loses minerals, it becomes weakened and more susceptible to decay. Try to avoid seeping drinks! If you take drinks between meals, make prolonged intervals between those intakes even water! More so dealing with acidic drinks like coffee and sweet/energy drinks.
These intervals between food/drinks intake are essential for our saliva to restore the desired PH and its mineral content and provide the time for this environment in the mouth for the teeth remineralization process. Persistent acidity overwhelms this protective mechanism [2] favoring net mineral loss over time.

Low Mouth PH = Enamel Demineralization

Bottomline, it's crucial to maintain a neutral oral pH through proper oral hygiene, a balanced diet low in fermentable carbohydrates (Read more below), and adequate hydration.
It is suggested to make Periodic Mouth pH testing using pH test strips indicators (sample) to verify that your adopted practices bring your saliva's pH to the normal pH range of 6.2 and 7.6, with an ideal target around 7.0 to 7.4. Regular  monitoring of oral pH and along with addressing any imbalances will help significantly in the prevention of tooth decay.

Detrimental Bacterial Growth - Plaque, Tartar and Gingivitis 
There is a host of bacteria species that thrive in low pH environments. These bacteria, most notably the Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans, ferment carbohydrates and produce more acid as a byproduct, further lowering the oral pH.
These acid-producing bacteria - are the ones mostly responsible for producing plaque and Tartar
If plaque is left
on the teeth for too long, it will harden into tartar, consisting of mineralized dead bacteria mixed with proteins from saliva, that is much harder to remove. This hardened structure provides an ideal environment for harmful bacteria to thrive. 
The bacteria in tartar feed on sugars and carbohydrates from food, producing acids as a byproduct, acids that attack tooth enamel, leading to demineralization and eventually cavities. Additionally, tartar buildup, especially below the gum line, can irritate and inflame the gums, an inflammation that can lead to gingivitis and eventually periodontitis, which can further compromise tooth health and increase the risk of tooth decay.

Detrimental Bacterial Growth

Tooth Decay Detection
Having said the above, asking for a dentist intervention with a toothache is most likely to proceed in a predefined protocol of an X-Ray imaging of the mouth (with its massive radiation of the brain), followed up with an antibiotic prescription to resolve the inflammation of the tooth (with its damage to the intestine and body microbiome), attributing it to a tooth cavity or tooth's nerve, and proceeding to a tooth filling (drilling and expanding the cavity to facilitate the adhesion of the filler), or worse in case of root canal treatment and sometimes tooth extractions with the drastic permanent implications of these actions . Self-healing practices offer other alternatives!

Tooth Decay Detection Alternatives
​There is a simple alternative to the traditional periodical dentist check-up.
Use a USB (sample) or wireless (sample) intraoral camera (connected to your laptop/desktop/mobile). Look for tooth plaque and the appearance of teeth with one of the first three stages (see below) of tooth decay.

Tooth Decay Detection
Tooth Decay Detection

Recepies for Tooth Paste and Mouth Wash

The following recepies are for a small container, keep the relative ratios when using a larger one.
Tooth Paste
One teaspoon of coconut oil
Half of a teaspoon of baking soda
Fourth of a teaspoon of H2O2 3%
Three drops of one of these oils: Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano

Mouth Wash
One tablespoons of H2O2 3%
Four tablespoons of water
Swish this mixture for about 30 seconds.

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Recepies for Tooth Paste and Mouth Wash

Diet Change to Improve Mouth PH
As we discussed above mouth pH is crucial to avoid or stop the progression of teeth decay.
The prime contributors to low pH (acidic conditions) in the mouth (and body) include:

Fermentable carbohydrates are prime contributors to a low (acidic) mouth and body pH. Consequently, it is essential to make a significant cut in the consumption of foods and drinks that are rich in fermentable carbohydrates (see details below), or else use some food preparation practices that would cut down the content of these carbohydrates in the food that you consume. For example White wheat flour has a high glycemic index, with values ranging from 70-85% of that of pure glucose. This indicates that it is rapidly digested and absorbed, leading to a quick rise in blood sugar levels. The glycaemic index is a way of ranking carbohydrate-containing foods based on how slowly or quickly they are digested and increase blood glucose levels over a period of time – usually 2 hours.
Use organic Xylitol as a substitute sweetenerThis sweetener tastes just like sugar and can be used to replace it in recipes that call for sugar. Interestingly, Xylitol does not raise blood sugars or insulin levels in the same way that sugar does, meaning that it does not count as net carbs, making it popular for keto'ers (Also watch this video, and this one).
Note! Most sugars are fermentable carbohydrates

Glucose: a simple sugar found in fruits, is highly fermentable and preferred by yeast.
Fructose: Found naturally in fruits and honey, fructose is fermentable.
Sucrose: Found in sweet potatoes, beets, onions, green peas, sweet corn, peas, canned pumpkin, winter squash, rutabagas, carrots, and tomatoes.

Maltose: The primary sugar in (malted) grains, maltose is readily fermentable.

Note: Lactose found in dairy products is not a fermentable carbohydrate!

Leftovers of Fermentable carbohydrates in the mouth are growth ground for caries induced bacteria. Fermentable carbohydrates are organic compounds that can be broken down by microorganisms like bacteria and yeast through the process of fermentation.  Here's an overview of fermentable carbohydrates:

Fermented carbohydrates are part of some food processing:

  • Brewing: Different sugars affect the fermentability of wort and the resulting beer characteristics[1]

  • Winemaking: Grape sugars are fermented into alcohol

  • Distilling: Fermentable sugars are essential for producing the base alcohol

  • Breadmaking: Yeast ferments sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide for leavening

  • Food fermentation: Used in producing fermented foods like yogurt and pickles Fermentable carbohydrates serve as the primary food source for microorganisms in  these processes, enabling the production of alcohol, carbon dioxide, and other byproducts that contribute to the final product's characteristics[2][3].


Note! Tobacco Smoking and other forms of tobacco consumption are associated with lower alkali production in the mouth.​​​

Diet Change to Improve Mouth PH

Stopping a Toothache

Option 1, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Baking Soda

Many testimonials recommend the use of H2O2 for toothache and mouth hygiene. Others recommend the use of baking soda. The following recommended protocol makes use of these two agents for best results [watch more, and more]:

  1. Use a high quality 3% H2O2 for swishing of the mouth for 45 - 60 seconds.

  2. In a little container make a paste of baking soda and some water. Fill your toothbrush with the paste and brush your entire mouth, teeth and gums on all sides for about two to three minutes and make a thorough rinse of the mouth.

If the toothache doesn't stop in a few hours, repeat the above protocol once or twice a day.

Option 2, TriSodium Phosphate (TSP) and Baking Soda

(Watch this video and this one) - There are many testimonials about the use of TSP for mouth wash but we could not find credible scientific papers to substantiate this usage. We strongly recommend it because it works for us. NOTE: This is a strong anti bacteria formula! Without a healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth, the body will not be able to produce enough nitric oxide which regulates blood pressure, transmits signals between neurons, suppresses pathogens and many other body functions. Therefore, the use of this formula should be limited for a few days until recovery is obtained. 


The formula:

Use a dark glass or food grade plastic bottle (HDPE, LDPE, and PP plastics), and fill: 

  1. 24 oz (2 cups) of Distilled water,

  2. 2 teaspoons of pure (99%), food grade, fine granular - Trisodium Phosphate (TSP),

  3. 6 tablespoons of baking soda

Shake the mixture every hour or two to dissolve the powders in the water until you see only a few flakes raised when you shake it.


Shake well before you take the mixture,
Mouth swishing - Once a day before bedtime (or twice a day morning - bedtime), take a little bit (2-3 tablespoons) of the mixture and swash for at least 5 min (we practice 10 min). The longer you hold it in your mouth - the better,
To get rid of a toothache, extend the swishing for 15 min, and rest assured for recovery in a day or two - with the help of oregano as prescribed below!

When done, spit the mixture out and wash your mouth.

Expected Results:

Read this testimonial (copied from this video link) - it well reflects our own and our associates experience:

"Example: Mike Deridisi 
Hi Tony. I have been using this treatment now for 2 years. on the third day I noticed that my gums and teeth were definitely getting tighter! On top of that, over time any decay or gum problems had cleared up completely; it really is incredible! I now have a very healthy mouth thanks to your valuable advice and direction Tony. Once again thanks a million. Regards from Mike in Geelong, Australia."

Stopping a Toothache
average rating is 3.7 out of 5, based on 3 votes, Ratings
average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 3 votes, Ratings

Home Tartar and Plaque Removal

The Formula: 
Three drops of one of the following options: clove oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil or a little pinch of turmeric powder, 
A fourth of a teaspoon (1.25 ml) of hydrogen peroxide 
A fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda 
A fourth of a teaspoon of raw honey 
Half a cup of water which is 118 ml
Brush your teeth twice a day, using a soft bristle toothbrush to preserve the teeth while removing the tartar.
Note, you may want to add the Vitamin K2 supplement as there are many testimonials as well as studies that confirm its contribution to inhibit the formation of tartar.

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Home Tartar and Plaque Removal
Cavity Development Stages

Cavity Development Stages
Demineralization: The first stage of tooth decay involves the loss of minerals from the tooth enamel due to exposure to acids produced by plaque bacteria, most notably the Streptococcus mutans [1][2]. This stage is characterized by the appearance of white spots on the tooth surface, indicating areas where minerals have been lost[3][2].

Cavity Formation First Stage 1.jpg

Enamel Decay: If demineralization continues, the enamel begins to break down further. The white spots may darken to a brownish color, and small holes or cavities can start to form in the tooth[1][3]. At this stage, the decay is still confined to the enamel layer.

Early Signs for Cavity Molars and Premolars Teeth.png

Dentin Decay: As the decay progresses, it reaches the dentin, which is the layer beneath the enamel. Dentin is softer than enamel and more susceptible to acid damage, so decay accelerates at this stage[1][3]. Tooth sensitivity may become noticeable, especially to hot, cold, or sweet stimuli. 
At this stage, Lactobacilli species become the most active bacteria [9], and are associated with the progression of the lesion as it advances into the dentin layer.

Decay into Dentin .png

Pulp Damage: When the decay reaches the innermost layer of the tooth, called the pulp, it can cause irritation and inflammation[4][3]. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels, so this stage often results in pain and increased sensitivity. Swelling may occur within the tooth, putting pressure on the nerves.

Abscess Formation: In the final stage of tooth decay, bacteria invade the pulp, leading to infection. This can result in the formation of an abscess, which is a pocket of pus at the bottom of the tooth[4][3]. Abscesses can cause severe pain, swelling, and potentially spread the infection to other parts of the body if left untreated. Early stages of tooth decay can often be reversed or halted with proper oral hygiene. However, as decay progresses, more invasive treatments such as fillings, crowns, root canals, or even tooth extraction may become necessary[4][5].

Cavity Filling
Once a cavity has reached "Stage 3" and beyond, a dentist would recommend to treat it with a filling. Filling a cavity has some problems!
To fill the cavity the dentist would drill a hole in the tooth, expanding the size of the cavity. The composite filling material would hold for 5-7 years (do not use amalgam material because of its high mercury content). Our own experience is of a much shorter "life span"!
The next "round" of filling would require a further expansion of the hole, which could substantially shorten the life span of the "second round of filling".
We strongly recommend to leave the cavity as it is and take the preventive actions to avoid any further tooth decay.

Root Canal Treatment
The pro's and con's to this treatment are quite complex and described in detail in this link. Most important is to be aware of the risks involved in taking this treatment when you make the decision to avoid a tooth extraction. We strongly recommend that after reading the information provided in the link, you watch these two short videos on the subject [Video 1, Video 2].

Cavity Filling
Root Canal Treatment
Mouth Sores

Mouth Sores:
Mouth (or Canker) sores are small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums. Unlike cold sores, canker sores don't occur on the surface of your lips and they aren't contagious. They can be painful, however, and can make eating and talking difficult.

Mouth Sores.png

Cold sores are mainly associated with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). 
The discussion below does not refer to cold sores! 

Herpes Related Mouth Sores.png

Most mouth sores go away on their own in a week or two, but over that period they cause a substantial discomfort/pains.

There are cases of mouth sores, that are the result of burns, biting the tongue or cheeks. Most mouth sores are pathogen related - Streptococcus or the Candida albicans. 

There is no definite cause behind mouth sores. However, certain factors and triggers have been identified. Before you look at all possibilities, check the most common one – food sensitivity!

  • Start with chocolate! Unfortunately, is a top food that causes mouth sores. It is mainly because of an alkaloid in chocolate called bromide. The mouth is quite sensitive to this ingredient, and it can lead to something similar to an allergic reaction. Some people with this mild allergy will develop mouth sores on their tongue and inner cheeks. Remove it from your diet for a couple of weeks and see how it works. Many who had this condition (come and go for years) found this one to be the “trigger”!

  • Other food sensitivities are related to acidic foods like strawberries, citrus, and pineapples, coffee and other trigger foods.

Other “triggers”:

  • Minor mouth injury from dental work, hard brushing, sports injury, or accidental bite.

  • Toothpastes and mouth rinses that contain sodium laury sulfate.

  • Lack of essential vitamins, especially B-12, zinc, folate, and iron.

  • Allergic response to mouth bacteria.

  • Dental braces

  • Hormonal changes during menstruation.

  • Emotional stress or lack of sleep.

  • Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.


Mouth sores also can be a sign of conditions that are more serious and require medical treatment, such as:

  • Celiac disease (a condition in which the body is unable to tolerate gluten)

  • Inflammatory bowel disease,

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Behcet’s disease (a condition that causes inflammation throughout the body).


Remove Mouth Sores

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

Hydrogen peroxide acts as a mild antiseptic that can help heal mouth sores by eliminating bacteria while the mouth heals.

Use 3% H2O2, diluted up to 1:1 ratio with water. Swish the diluted solution in your mouth for about 1 minute, then spit it out. Do not swallow. Use up to 4 times daily.

For very young children that are still using a pacifier, dip the pacifier in the H2O2 and let them use it. 


Baking Soda

This scientific review concludes: " Baking soda, being a common household item, is readily available, safe, and minimally abrasive. The bactericidal property makes it a patient-friendly mouthwash".

Another scientific article, concludes: "Sodium Bicarbonate oral rinse may be considered as a cheap and effective alternative for chlorhexidine and alcohol based mouth wash, especially where long duration usage is required"

Additional benefits: Baking soda is alkaline, so it can help regulate your mouth's PH by neutralizing the acidity. As such, baking soda not only prevents tooth decay but also helps remineralize your enamel. Baking soda can also limit plaque buildup by neutralizing plaque acids.

Start using it today to avoid this problem almost for good:

The formula:

Use a dark glass or food grade plastic bottle (HDPE, LDPE, and PP plastics), and fill: 

  1. 2 tablespoons of food grade Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate),

  2. 16 oz (2 cups) of Distilled water,

Shake the mixture every hour or two to dissolve the powder in the water until you see only a few flakes raised when you shake it.

Shake well before you take the mixture,
Mouth swashing - Once a day before bedtime (or twice a day morning - bedtime), take a little bit (2-3 tablespoons) of the mixture and swash for about 5 min (we practice 10 min). 
When done, spit the mixture out and wash your mouth.

average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Ratings
average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 1 votes, Ratings
Remove Mouth Sores

The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with qualified health care professionals and is not intended as medical advice.
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of others collected from various information sources and subscribers of this community.
Members are encouraged to make their own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with qualified health care professionals.
Individuals with any sort of medical condition, and in particular pregnant, nursing women, and others who take medications, are encouraged to consult their health care professional before using any product that is mentioned on this website.

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